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" So... how was the celebration? "

" You mean the party? " Asked James, confused, as we were sitting at the lunch tables.

It was a nice afternoon, hot, but not too hot. A great Tuesday. I just had another Math exam, that was great, and brought some curry vegetables for lunch. Last night's dinner was a little rough though. Dad forgot he needed tofu, so he went to get it, which took two hours. Since he stops to talk to everyone in the supermarket. Then I had to stand there, and say "Hi" to people even though I had a bunch of homework to do. I love my first world problems.

He then said that he couldn't read any of the labels. According to him, he is getting old and can't see from too close. So I told him he had to go to the eye doctor, which reminded him I have to go to the eye doctor. Which means, we are all going to the eye doctor tomorrow afternoon. It is going to take so long! My vision is fine. I just sometimes can't see, cause I insist on reading with not enough lighting, even though it is not good for me.

" Yes. What else do you think I mean? "

 " I... Nothing. Is just that celebration is not a usual 16 year old vocabulary word. " James said with all his charm and hair flipping. It's incredible how much control he has over his hair. It always looks nice, and brushed. Not fixated with so much gel that your eyes are being pulled back. My hair is like a lion that needs taming. In the morning, it takes me at least eight to ten minutes to make it presentable enough for society.

" Well it is normal in my vocabulary, so... " I answered.

" It was fun. I talked to the guys, and we played beer pong. I also met this really weird girl named Olivia." How convenient for me that they had met without me having to introduce them. " Weird in a good way. " He completed.

" She is really nice. " I said. To be honest, Olivia was a bit weird sometimes. It just makes her so much more interesting. How can you decide if someone is weird or not? What does normal even mean? Maybe in her eyes, I am the weird one.

" You know Olivia? " He asked surprised.

" Yeah, she congratulated me in PE class for calling a girl a bitch. "

James laughed, and kept laughing, and kept laughing. This is starting to become embarrassing now, people are looking at him. Which could mean that they are looking at me, and I hate when people do that.

" What is so funny? " I murmured, in a desperate effort to make him stop.

" Just the fact that. I can't imagine you calling someone a bitch. "

" Why? "

" Cause you are like a little miss perfect. " 

" No, I am not. " I answered back. I honestly don't feel like I am. I am a bit of a rule follower because some of them are for my own safety.

" Yes you are! " He insisted.

And here comes Olivia with her colorful wavy hair. Sitting at the table, at the highlight of our embarrassing conversation.

" What are we talking about? "  She asked James.

" I am telling Sloan over here, how much of a Miss Perfect she is. " James said making room for her to sit next to him."

" Oh, totally. " She agreed.

" I am not. That is just nerd phobia, and I am not letting you get away with it. " I defended myself.

" Sorry then. " James said still with a residual laughter.

" So, have you guys met before? " James asked.

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