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I have to say, not the best morning, I just woke up with the worst headache for no reason. I don't usually suffer from them. Also, I feel kind of strange, like light headed, probably nothing an Advil won't cure.

School went just the same today but I had a Math test which made me nervous and strangely excited at the same time. We only had an hour to answer sixty questions which by logic doesn't make sense. But, I like to challenge knowledge, so it was fun. Then I talked a bit more with Olivia, which is always very interesting. Finally, I went to Blush'n Blushing like always.

Now the dilemma is, what do you wear to a football game. I don't have any sports gear so hopefully jeans work; that casual mid age housewife look is what I am going for tonight.

" Are you ready dad? " I yelled from my room.

" Just five more minutes honey." Vincent yelled back.

Is being punctual all that hard?

" Ok, what do you think? "  It is shocking, that is what I think. He is wearing jeans and a football jersey. Until now, pretty normal but having his face painted half in white and the other in red, while holding a football sign is a bit much. When I used to do sports my parents would have signs up at my swimming competitions, and they were distracting. That was the sole reason why I lost, not the fact that I sucked.

" It looks cool, but. Can we please not take the sign? " I said, trying not to be rude.

" Why? " He asked, visibly disappointed.

" Cause it calls attention, and that 's exactly what I don't want. "

" No, it doesn't! Everyone takes signs to a football game. Isn't that true George? "

" Just let your father take the sign, Sloan. " Vincent yelled back from his office.

" Sure." I gave up." Now we need to go, or else we won't find a place to sit." I said, still trying to be patient.

" Great. " He said, already walking away.

We parked the car right next to the field, the lights were really strong and it smelled like hot dogs and popcorn. The grass was all wet and full of holes from the earlier rain.

School at night is a totally new thing. It's almost as if it wasn't... What is the word I am looking for? Terrible, scary, horrible and awkward. It just looks like a normal place. It was crowded too, not that I am good with numbering people but I have to say that it was at least half of the school out there. The seats are so filled that we are probably going to stand for five hours, or however long a football game usually lasts.

We finally got some popcorn and found a place at the wet bleachers, soon the cheerleaders started to come out from both schools. They were all so pretty, which might sound very stereotypical but is true. It's kind of like when people say that you shouldn't eat Mac'n Cheese from a box cause fresh is supposed to be better, but you just always do. Facts...

I spotted Olivia in between the cheerleaders. She looks amazing with her uniform and pom poms. Her long wavy hair pulled into a high ponytail that drips midway through her back. She looks so happy and confident that it is contagious.

Everyone just started chanting, so Dad and I just tried to just scream random words. Trying not to seem like the total misfits we were in that crowd.

" Is this seat taken? "

" No. You can sit there. " I said, trying to look at her face and not the floor.

" Great, thank you. My son is playing tonight, so... "

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