Twenty Eight

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I just turned off the lights in my bedroom. Olivia and I were both semi sleeping while we watched the last movie of the night. We watched three movies in a row without pausing, just to get more snacks and go to the bathroom. By the last one, I don't even think I paid attention to be honest. My brain was ready to go to bed, and by all the yawning, I think hers was too.

She was laying down on the left side of my bed, tucked into the millions of blankets my parents had given us for extra comfort. It took her ten minutes just to accommodate herself with the amount of pillows they gave her. Needless to say we weren't very experienced with people sleeping over. In fact, I think this is the first time I have someone else sleeping in my room. That is just a weird thing to think about. What if I like fart in the middle of the night and wake up Olivia because of the smell? What if she farts?

" Are you comfortable? " I asked before falling asleep.

" I mean, I have never slept with so many pillows in my life." She said, turning her head to look at me. Her one hair falling on her face, now I could actually see her bright eyes staring at me. How can someone look good when they are literally about to sleep? I don't know but she seems to look good doing everything. It is even a bit annoying.

" Yeah, we don't have a lot of experience in the sleepover department. " I answered.

" You guys are just funny. " She said vaguely. " I was thinking Sloan, you should talk to James. " She said not even trying to transition smoothly to the topic.

" I don't know. I looked at him the whole week and he just ignored me. "

" You looked at him? " She asked, sitting up.

" Yeah, just hoping he would come up and apologize I guess. " I answered, trying not to sound so childish.

" I don't think looking at him is enough. I truly believe he is sorry, but James has a big ego. " She said fluffing one more pillow. " You might need to make the first move. " She said with a wink.

" I guess so. " I paused. " How are things with your mom? " I asked trying to change the subject.

" Better, she is back in rehab now, for the hundredth time. I honestly don't know what is going to happen to her. "

I waited for her to continue. Olivia always took long pauses talking about her mom, I just wondered what kind of thoughts were going through her mind in those.

" But, my dad is stepping up again, and my aunt is coming tomorrow to help out. So I can focus on school and stuff. " She finished.

The way she talked was as if this was the most normal thing in the world. At least that was normal in her world, which is just so sad to think about. Having a parent be in rehab multiple times and that being your livelihood.

" How is Phoenix? " I asked.

" He is fine. He is back in school, but he's birthday is next week, in the middle of this mess. And, I think all he is getting is like a cupcake with a candle at this point. "

I turned the lights back on.

" We should throw him a surprise party. "

" Did you really need to turn on... "

" It would be so fun. " I started interrupting her. " My dad can bake a cake, and we can invite some of his friends. I am a good event planner, I used to help with my parents Christmas party. " I said, already getting excited. " There is no way I am going to let my fellow comic book aficionado turn nine without a proper celebration."

" If you are up to it ... "

" I am more than up to it. I am already on the top. " I answered, laughing at my own joke.

" Wow, it seems like it is your own party. " She said, finally taking her hands off of her eyes.

" I don't like birthdays for me. But I like planning them for other people. Because then the attention is on someone else. " I explained letting out a bit more information then I wanted to.

" Then let's do it! " She finally gave in.

" Let's do it." I said turning the lights back off .

" Stop with the lights! "

" Sorry." I said turning the lights on and off one more time just to annoy her.

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