Twenty Two

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It's really windy today. I am starting to think it was a bad idea to wear ripped jeans, but they are just so comfortable; I am very picky with clothes. It is comfort over beauty, always. My closet is basically oversized ripped jeans and hoodies.

I have been out here for at least ten minutes, staring at the school flag against the wind. It was so weird to see the entrance to the building without a crowd. I was able to see the entire construction. 

This building is so big, and the architecture is quite questionable. It looks more like a prison than a school. Considering that we have massive metal detectors, we are not too far from that. It is the first thing you see when you come into the school. They put them there after we had a shooter threat. Us and a million other schools in the country. It is supposed to make you feel safe but it just reminds me that I can be shot while trying to learn math. I can't even imagine how awful that would be,  and embarrassing. Picture the headline: "Teenager dies while learning Math." I rather die doing something cool like skydiving or riding a roller coaster. 

Is he even coming at this point? Because it would be really uncomfortable to be stood up for a school project, it is not even a date. Just a project, that could maybe turn into a date. The description of a date is two people who arrange to meet up and try to have a good time together. So technically it could be considered a date. It is not ideal in any way, two very awkward teens talking to semi strangers on the street. Maybe it is a good ice breaker.

I finally spot his silhouette walking towards me. He is wearing black pants with a dark green army jacket and army boots. We would be wearing the same thing if I wasn't freezing in these jeans. The weather in this city is insane. It is honestly all four seasons in a day. When I left my house it was sunny and warm, now it is like the scene before the hurricane in The Wizard of Oz. I hope there isn't an actual hurricane coming, that would be a horrible first date/ school project/ research day.

He is finally in front of me and the view is too much to take in. Why is he so...? I am supposed to not get so invested in someone I don't actually know, but this day is going to be a lot harder than I thought.

" Hey. " He said, looking at the floor.

" Hi. " I answered.

" Should we... "

" Yep. "

And with all those elaborate sentences we started walking towards the neighborhood. Even though we were quiet the whole way, I took the opportunity to take some glances at Maxime. He looked like the Little Prince but with a dark side. The Little Prince was my favorite book growing up so I definitely know why I like Maxime. Definitely sensing my type, as people call it. 'Puppy Faced Explorers' , I would call it.

" I think this house is a good one to start with. " I said as we approached the first house on the street around the corner.

" Should I ask the questions? " He asked. Pulling a notebook out of his backpack.

" Sure, and I will record the answers. " I was proud of the fact that we had actually said complete sentences.

The first house was a light green one. The door was white with a welcome sign hanging from the doorknob, and a little carpet on the entrance. It just looks very nice and friendly. Perfect for us. I knocked on the door, being answered by loud screams that I assume were coming from multiple children. Then a little girl in pajamas and cat ears opened up.

" Hi. " I said.

My experience with young children is very little so this situation is not ideal.

" Is your mom home? " I asked.

" Yes. " She answered shyly.

Soon a middle aged woman came to the door. She was carrying another child in her arms and looked exhausted, I guess because of the children. Full of under eye dark circles and hair all over the place. Which immediately made me think I do not want to have children. From my guess she is a single mom of at least three.

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