Thirty Four

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Miss. Gutierrez and I have been talking for about ten or so minutes and we have already shifted topics so many times that I have lost count. We talked about Phoenix's birthday party, specially that I threw him a party and how much of a professional I am. I even told her that I could see myself as a party planner in the future.

We have talked about my conversation with Mason and how I have been feeling hanging out with him. Just how easy it is for me now, almost like we have been doing it for a very long time. Even though we kind of knew each other for a very long time. Just not always in a positive way. I also explained to her the whole situation with James and the dinner, and that I had my first ever sleepover with Olivia. Just basically all the current events in my life and how I feel about them.

" I am very happy for you Sloan. " She said with a smile. " You have really blossomed since the first day we met. "

" Thanks. " I said embarrassed.

Even though it is hard to see it, I agree with her, when I reflect on all the things that I had to go through this year, I think blossomed is a good way to describe it. I opened my petals to new experiences.

" I am actually really happy with my life right now. " I said admitting it to myself and her.

" I can see it. " She said.

" Thank you for all the help. "

" It is my pleasure. " She said leaning in for a hug, which I retributed.

To be honest, I believe she was one of the best things this year, all this navigating through life I had to do would not have been possible without our weekly sessions, and all of her great advice. It was a good and safe space to talk about everything that was going on in my mind, and the best part was that Miss. Gutierrez would never minimize my problems or make them sound stupid, she would always be interested in helping in any way she could.

As I am walking out of my English classroom a shadow from behind the door taps me on the shoulder. I turn around scared, and there is Maxime. I honestly haven't really had time to figure out how to react to him after that traumatic day. When I had a crush on him, which is still kind of going on... 

Even though it is horrible to have a crush on someone else's boyfriend I would be lying if I said it is completely gone. Even though I don't like Jennifer I have to admit that Maxime seems a lot happier. He is even talking to people more,  and participating in class without looking like he just ingested a ghost pepper every time he answered a question. So as much as I hate to admit it, I am happy for them.

" Sorry! " He said after noticing that I got scared.

" Hi. " I try answering.

" Can I talk to you? Really quickly. " He asks, already leaning against the wall.

I nod.

" So you know like junior prom right? " He asks.

Junior prom seems to be the only tropic of conversation in this school for like two weeks, people discussing what they are going to wear. And that is not even the worst part. It's the promposals. This week there have been at least ten, they are everywhere. I am just trying to walk to my next class and there are people playing music and holding flowers and another ten people filming.

" I wanted to prom pose to Jennifer, but I need some help. And I thought you could help cause I don't really have other female friends. " He completed.

He just called us friends...

" Okay. " I answer.

At this point in my life I have just accepted my role in helping people with their problems. It has been everyone, but I have nothing better to do so...

" Cool. I was thinking, because she likes sports, so maybe I could do something related to that. Like writing prom with basketballs? Or sneakers that spell prom. Or buy water bottles..."

How do I kindly tell him all of his ideas are horrible?

" I think maybe you could brainstorm some ideas, and then text them to me so we can plan them out."

" Sure, yeah that works. " He answered.

We exchanged phone numbers and I walked to my next class. You know in all those ted talk videos that I watched about how to get over a heartbreak. No one mentioned planning a promposal to the girl who is dating your crush as a coping mechanism, but I guess I am improvising. 

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