Bonus Chapter 1

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Kate's POV

Coming back into Peyton's life after leaving the country was hard. I was scared, i didn't know how she would take it.

I had to leave to keep Emily safe. I honestly regret fake dating Maria. I didn't want Emily to be disowned by her parents even though she never had a great relationship with them. I still hurt her badly. I regret that.

What i didn't imagine was my little sis dating Emily who is her teacher. That caught me off guard. I'm happy she found someone who loves her. My sister deserves the next and i know Emily can do that for her.

That day mom and Peyton's ex, Paris came here from London. It took everything in me not to punch Paris in the face for what she did. I was mad at mom for kicking Peyton out the house for being gay. Mom honestly didn't know i was gay until i left. Peyton told me what she did to my old room.

Peyton's dad is more of my dad than anything. My biological father wasn't around after i was born. When mom and dad got a divorce Peyton was 4. Mom started staying out more and drinking. She also bought different guys around us after their divorce.

Peyton learned what happened between them and didn't understand why mom would do what she did.

I'm just glad to be back with my family. Also Sam has been nothing but amazing to me. Her and dad are amazing together. They hold so much love for one another.

The love Peyton and Emily holds for each other is so sincere and genuine. Their relationship and marriage was honestly amazing. I got to see their marriage play out. Their love never faded out.

For me, i got a job right before they got married. I became a teacher at the school Sam is the principal and Emily teaches at. I moved in a house with my girlfriend i met at bar i went to. My girlfriend, Jillian. She's amazing. We have a lot in common and when we met i was 29 and she was 31.

I became an Art teacher. I love it.

Jillian is a pediatrician. I love what she does and so does she.

We have a special connection. I can tell what's wrong with her just by her body language, and so can she.

"Hey babe, what are you doing later." Jillian's voice rang from the kitchen.

I walked towards her, "Umm i was going to see Peyton and Emily later if you want to do something we can or if you want to come with me." I tell her as i wrapped my arms around her waist and put my head on her chest.

Her chuckles shook my body, "Sure I'll come with you. I want to see their kids again." I pull back and laugh.

"Cause that's all." I said sarcastically.

She throws her head back laughing and instantly i have a smile on my face. "Shut up." I roll my eyes at her comment.

I lean in and give her a kiss. Kissing her is my favorite. We literally can't keep our hands to ourselves.

"Do you want to take your car or mine?" I hope she says mine. I love mine. It's an grey SUV and she has a black truck.

She rolls her eyes, knowing i want to take my car.

She huffs, "We'll take your car." She turns around. "Damn woman." She mumbles under her breath not thinking i can hear.

I raise an eyebrow, "What was that?" She turns around and shook her head "Nothing babe." She gave me a pout and i kissed her.

She goes upstairs and leaves me with my thoughts.

She makes me feel different types of things. She makes butterflies in my stomach. She makes my heart race and she always puts a smile on my face. She's the person i want to marry.

We've only been together for around 3 years. I know she's everything for me.

We arrive at Peyton's and Emily's house. I take the key they gave me and unlocked the door.

We walk inside and i hear the kids screaming.

"What are y'all screaming about." I shout.

They stop and run over to me. "Aunt Kate, Daniel took my toys and won't give them back." Lilah whined to me.

Daniel being like Emily said, "No i didn't she lying on me." I wonder where the hell was Emily and Peyton.

"Daniel i see her toys in your hands. Stop stealing them from her and Lilah stop screaming." I look towards the stairs, "Where the hell is your parents and Sophia." Sophia is there other daughter. She's 3 while Daniel and Lilah are now almost 6.

"Their upstairs." I wanted to roll my eyes. I walked up the stairs to their room to see why they didn't hear the noise.

I bust in their room and yell, "Why the hell did i walk in the house hearing the twins yell at each other and y'all aren't down there." I looked at them in the bed with Sophia sleeping.

They jolted awake, "What." Peyton said.

"Your kids where having a screaming match because mini Emily took Lilah's toys. How didn't y'all hear." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey i heard that." Emily mumbled and turned towards me.

"Get up and calm mini Emily down, he's throwing a fit." Without another word i leave the room, smirking at my authority. I would make an amazing mother.

They finally come down and calm Daniel down. Me and Jillian left after a couple of hours.

"You know you'll make an amazing mother one day." I smiled and looked at her.

"So would you baby." She smiles and leans in to kiss me.

"I love you so much babe."

I felt butterflies, "I love you so fucking much." And gave her a passionate kiss.

This is everything I've ever wanted. Someone who loves me for me. I finally have that.

Ta-da y'all have been blessed with a bonus chapter. Don't know how many i will do. I love how this story ended and is still continuing from different POV'S

I'm working on another story soon and i hope to have that up by sometime soon. Don't worry I'm not going anywhere. Stay tuned and stay safe.

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