Chapter 20.

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Peyton's POV

I go to my car and drive off. I glance back at Emily's car as i left.

She just revealed the biggest part of her past. She trusts me more than i think. As I'm driving home i touch my lips. Thinking how Emily's felt amazing against mine.

I can't believe she dated Kate back in college. Kate always brought home her girlfriend to London for breaks. I just found out the Maria was Emily's cousin. I loved that girl. She treated Kate amazingly. But to find out Emily was the real girlfriend of Kate's pisses me off.

Maria came to the house two days after Christmas saying she hasn't talked to or seen Kate. I had to lie saying she probably went back to South Carolina for college, but Maria said she wouldn't have gone without telling her. I called her and kept calling her. She disabled her phone. She just left without warning, without saying anything. I haven't seen or heard from her ever since. Ever since she left, that's when my mom started to hate me, saying it's my fault Kate left. But she never knew the real reason.

Then she found out i was gay. That just did it. I had enough and just went to live with dad.

So that means Kate was cheating on Emily throughout their whole relationship. But there is a big part to the story Emily doesn't know about from my knowledge.

I spaced out that i didn't realize I was at home. I park my car in the garage and went inside. I hang up my car keys and go to the kitchen.

"Hey your just in time." Mom turned around. She gasp. "What happened." She's concerned.

What I'm about to say is going to shock them i already know.

"I ran into Emily today..." I take a deep breath. I see both mom and dad nod their head. "She revealed a huge part of her past that some what explains why people call her the 'ice queen'."

"Go on pumpkin." Dad encourages me.

I take a deep breath trying to control my beating heart. "She told me about her ex-girlfriend. How she broke her heart. The next thing I'm about to say is going to shock y'all especially you dad."

"Whatever it is it'll be okay." I nodded my head not believing it.

"Her ex-girlfriend was Kate, she had cheated on Emily throughout their whole relationship with Emily's cousin Maria." I close my eyes not wanting to see their reactions.

Dad gasp, "Are you saying your sister dated Emily but brought home Emily's cousin to London for almost every college break they had." I couldn't say it. I didn't want to.

I didn't want this to be true.

"Yes dad, i can't believe this, But remember when Maria was telling us Kate left and disappeared..." Dad nodded his head. Mom is just listening because she doesn't know this part.

"Well it happened after Emily confronted her of Kate cheating." I sign.

"Wait are you saying..." Dad shook his head.

"No please don't.. blame Emily for this, i can't..." I chocked on a sob. I can't believe this.

"Wow... This is a lot of information to process." Mom finally said something.

"Okay please don't look at Emily different, she doesn't know the whole story about Kate and Maria but i don't know if i intend on telling her... I don't think i can.." i shook my head and looked down.

"It's okay sweetie we will figure this out together." Mom said trying to calm me down.

I can't tell her and i really don't plan on it.

"So Kate.. this is.." Dad didn't even finish his sentence.

"I know... This is a lot. I don't want to look at Emily differently but there's a big part she doesn't know, dad knows because he heard the whole conversation. But mom you don't know and i kind of want to keep it that way unless you dad wants to tell her, if you do make sure I'm not in the room." I can't say it and i won't.

"If you want me to tell her then I will." I looked at mom.

Do i want her to know or should it just stay the way it is?

Mom looks at me concerned. Trying to see what i would say. I sign deeply. "Yes you can tell her, but mom promise me you won't say anything to Emily cause this effects her too. And please don't look at Emily any differently." I pleaded with her.

"Yes i promise i won't." Mom nodded at me.

I cleared my throat. "Okay let's eat I'm starving." I say trying to lighten the situation and mood.

"Right... Well the food is done so get your plates." Mom announced.

We all got our food and sat down at the table. We keep the conversation light and avoid that topic again.

"Dinner was amazing mom I'm going upstairs." I put my plate in the sink.

"Alright love you."

Love you too and you too dad." I ran upstairs

I took me a shower trying not to let my thoughts over load me.

I can't believe Emily doesn't know that her parents paid Kate to Leave and never come back. I had to lie and say i never seen or heard from her. The day Maria came over Kate had sent me a text beforehand saying she was leaving and her ex-girlfriend's parents paid her to leave and have no contact with anyone.

Once I get out the shower i throw on a simple tank top with shorts.

I hear a knock on my door."Hey honey can i come in." My mom says.

"Yea come in." I told her. She opened the door and before she could utter a word

I said, "Dad told you didn't he?" I question her as she sat beside me in my bed.

"He did, i can't believe Emily doesn't know, i thought she would have." She signs.

"I know i thought she knew also i had to play it safe when she told me." I groan. "I don't know what to do." I shake my head. This is a lot.

"You'll figure it out in the meantime get some rest. Goodnight."

Mom got up. "Goodnight." She left and i fell into a deep slumber.

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