Chapter 17.

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Emily Davis POV

In the past 2 weeks Peyton has kissed me twice... The first time it took me by surprise. I told her that the kiss was a mistaken and that i regretted it. I could tell by how much that sentence hurt her.

She has to learn boundaries and not to cross them.

The second kiss was both of us. Yes i take partial credit due to the kiss. It was in the moment kind of kiss.

I won't say i regret it because i don't but I'll never admit that.

I grab my phone off the table and call one of my only friends. It rings until she finally picks up.

"Well what do i owe you for this call this evening." Taylor says.

"Well Tay if you must know I'm in some deep shit." I groan

"Do you want me to come over."

I think for a moment. "Yes and bring some wine."

"Will do see you in about 10." She then hung up.

I sign am i really thinking about a student like this. I have never in my 3 years of teaching would i be thinking of a student inappropriately. I hear a knock on my door. I get up and open it to see Taylor standing there with 2 bottles of red wine.

"Are you going to let me in..." She chuckled

"Oh yea..." I open the door wider so she could come in.

I see her grab 2 wine glasses and pours both of us wine. She sits in the chair and hands me my glass. I immediately take a big gulp.

"Damn girl.. so what seems to be the problem." She takes a sip.

"Well there is this student of mine..." I mumble. She looks at me. "Go on.."

"Well she was a transfer around 2 months ago.." i see her nod her head so i go on. "Well you see we started getting close-"

"Hold on you getting close with someone... Who are you?" She just smirks at me.

"Shut up... So anyways we had a big argument one day and she came to my classroom to apologize. Also her mom is the principal."

"Woah her mother is the principal damn..." She shakes her head.

"Yea so after she apologized she kissed me and i kissed her back."


"Yes twice actu-" She cut me off. "Twice what the fuck."

"Yea i know." I sign.

"Well do you think you have feelings towards her." She asks hesitatily.

I groan and throw my head back. "I don't know.. i don't want to feel anything but i sure as hell don't want to get involved with a student. I could lose my career but, she's just beautiful and her lips fit against mine."

I hear Taylor laugh. "It's not funny because I'm going crazy and i don't know what to do."

"Listen try to ignore her or talk to her more and see where things go. Wait does her mom know about the kisses."

"Yea her mom knows and she actually has been trying to get us together but i don't know. If i ignore her I feel bad but if i keep talking to her, some feelings might develop."

I quickly add, "Ugh i don't know what to do." I groan and run my fingers through my hair something i do when I'm frustrated.

"I can't tell you what to do but you should think rational about this and maybe go with your heart."

I shrugged, i really don't know what i want to do with this situation.

"Okay enough talking about this situation for now, let's drink more wine." She gets up and fills both wine glasses up.

"How's Amber and Kaya." Amber is Taylor's wife and Kaya is the kid both of them have together.

"Both are great. Kaya has been amazing at soccer."

"That's great then, I'll have to come visit soon." I tell her.

I hear my phone go off. I check to see I have a message from Peyton.
Okay i already know I've said this but I'm so sorry for earlier i was way out of line. Hope you can forgive me. ~Peyton.

I smiled and responded back that it was okay and that i forgave her.

"What's with that smile." She looked at me and smirked.

I put my phone down. "Nothing." I said sheepishly.

"Emily Layla Davis, are you texting your student."

"No... Why would you think that." I said sternly trying not to crack.

"Because that's the same smile when you told me about your student."

"I don't know what you're talking about.." she then replied, "But.." I cut her off before she could say anything else. "No buts, just drop it please." I pleaded with her.

She signed and said nothing else.

"Alright you know i would love to stay here but i should probably get home."

"I know, call me tomorrow."

She got up and gave me a hug. "I will have a good night Em. Love you."

I replied, "Love you too." She opened the door and i closed it after she was out the door.

I signed, i put both glasses in the sink and went up to my room. I'm exhausted so i put on some shorts and a tank top, take off my makeup and put my hair in a bun so i could sleep.

I close my eyes and go to sleep but not without a certain someone on my mind.

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