Chapter 6.

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Emily Davis POV

I drive home to my two story house. I park my car in the garage. I go inside and sit my purse by the counter. I have 6 bedrooms and 5 1/2 bathrooms. I go through my whine cabinet and pull out a bottle of white whine. I grab a whine glass and poor some.

I sit on the couch thinking about my past. My last relationship i had ended badly. After my divorce, in college i was dating this girl, Katie, she was everything that you could ask for. Stunning, smart, brave everything. We were dating for about 2 years. There was a bunch of red flags in our relationship but i looked over them because i was so deeply in love with her.

She made me drop all of the friends i had in college because she said 'they aren't good enough for you' i thought maybe she was right, god i was really naive. Everytime we would have sex she would leave right away saying she had to watch her little sister and i believed her. It was our 2 year anniversary and i wanted to do something special for her so i went to surprise her. I went to her apartment, her door was locked so i used the spare she gave me. I went up to her room.

That's when i heard noises, i thought that her sister was up, i was so wrong. I heard some more so I opened her door and saw her and my cousin fucking each other. Once i had yelled at Katie she told me she was fucking my cousin ever since our one month anniversary. I felt betrayed,and hurt. That not only my girlfriend but my cousin could do shit like that. I ran out her apartment and cried. I became depressed, didn't leave my house barely kept up with college. I had loved her and was so in love with her i would never think she would do anything like that.

I get out of my thoughts and drink the rest of my whine. I grab my laptop and finish grading these essays and assignments. I stumble on Peyton's and i wonder what she wrote about. I take a look and see she wrote about if love at first sight is real. I grade her and I'm intrigued by her writing. She wrote a great essay and easily gets an A. She makes amazing grades, her attitude is the problem.

What am I thinking, why do i keep thinking about Peyton, I've never thought about a student in the 3 years of teaching and i won't start now but, something about her gets me intrigued. I want to know more about her.

No Emily, don't do this to yourself. I haven't thought about another girl or woman since my ex and i don't want to know. I have to keep my walls up and my mask on. I get up take a shower, let the hit water run over my body. I quickly get out find a tank top and shorts and get in my bed. I turn over and let sleep take over my body.


Peyton's POV

After the encounter with Ms. Davis i see her walls slowly go down. Behind it is endured with betrayal, hurt and pain. She guards herself so no one can hurt her anymore. She has this persona that she stands tall and if you look at her you wouldn't know she's been hurt a lot. I shake off this feeling i can't tell what it is and get in my car and drive home.

I walk through the front door and see my mom cooking dinner i head in there and greet her. "Hey mom what are you making."

She looked at me and said "Hey sweetie, I'm making chicken shrimp Alfredo."

"Awesome, I'm going to take a shower."

"Alright when you come back down dinner will be ready." She said going back to cooking.

I run upstairs and take a shower. I hop in and all i can think about is Ms. Davis. Through her ice queen facade i can see a nice and funny person. I don't think she has smiled in a while and I'm going to make it my mission to get her to smile and laugh at least once.

I get out grab a pair of shorts and a tank top. I go downstairs to see that dinner is on the table.

I sit down and start eating. Mom already knows what happened at school but i know she's not going to say anything.

"Do you want to try out for the basketball team." Mom said hesitating

"I don't know i might." I mumbled

She just looked at me and nodded. I finish and headed upstairs to do my homework. I text Annabelle and asks if she wants to go out and she quickly texted me yes. So i put on my jean jacket and black jean shorts with black boots. I tell my mom I'm going out with Annabelle and she told me to be careful.

I get in the car with Annabelle and head off to the popular gay bar Rick's. We go to the line and the bouncer asks us for our I.D so we gave it to him and head inside the bar. Annabelle orders us 4 tequila shots and she goes to the dance floor while i go sit at the stool.

There was a woman who sat close to me so i leaned in and whispered "what is a beautiful lady like yourself doing at a bar alone."

She turns her head and i stare at her wide eyed and whispered "Ms. D-davis..."

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