Chapter 1

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Today is my first day of senior year at a new school. I lived in London but i moved to New York so I can be live to my dad. My mom and dad got a divorce when I was just 8, I'm more closer to my dad more than my mom. Don't get me wrong i still love my mother but her opinions aren't open. The reason i moved is because my mom doesn't accept me being a lesbian so my dad had bought me a plane ticket so I can move with him.

My alarm was going off so i think it's time for me to get up. Also another fact about me is that I'm shy, i really don't make friends or talk a lot. I make straight A's. I'm around 5'11 yea i know I'm tall.

I get in the shower, i hate being the new kid it draws so much attention to me and i get super awkward. I get out and pick my signature outfit which is a black tank top, black rip jeans, with my dark denim jacket and a pair of vans. I go down stairs to see my dad and step mom at the kitchen table. By the way my step mom is the principal of Eastern Bay High School. I think of my step mom as my actual mother.

"Good morning dad and mom." I say to the both of them.

"Good morning sunshine." My dad says to me while putting bacon and eggs on a plate for me.

"Good morning sweetie." My mom says. I sit down at the table at start eating. I'm leaving the same time my step mom does.

"Are you ready for the first day." My mom says.

"Yes but your gonna have to show me around the school miss principal." I say with a grin.

My mom smiles at me and says sarcastically "It's Mrs missy."

I laugh at her "Come on it's time to go." She says while grabbing her car keys.

"Bye dad love you." I say to him

We head out the door and gets in her car as we drive off i ask her "Do you know my schedule or do you have to look it up."

"I will have to look it up and when we get to the school we are going straight to my office so i can get your schedule and locker, but also show you to your classes and teachers." She says while pulling up to the school and parking her car.

We get out the car and go inside. Her secretary greets her. We go into her office, by the way my step mom's name is Samantha Carter. She goes to her desk and gets on her computer while i take a seat in front. She prints out my schedule and hands it to me.

"This is your schedule, you have all AP classes and some are college classes, your locker number is at the bottom and since your late to your first class i will go with you."

"Before we go in school do i call you Mrs. Carter or can I call you mom." I say

"You can call me either, if you feel comfortable calling me Mrs. Carter than you can call me that but if you want to call me mom you can do that as well it depends on you. I honestly don't care." She says while getting up from her desk.

"Okay I'll call you both, i might call you mom more." I say heading out her office.

"That's fine by me. Now come on and let me show you to your first class."

This is my schedule
AP calculus~ Mr. Williams
Senior Art~ Ms. White
AP English 4~ Ms. Davis
AP Law and Business~Mrs. Jackson
Lunch is in after my English class.

We walk down the hall and my mom walks in the door. When she walks in the whole class greets her.

"Good morning Mrs. Carter." The students greet her.

"Good morning guys." She said back to them. She stands in the front of the classroom while talking to the students and the teacher and says "This is my daughter Peyton, you will welcome her and show her what this school has to offer."

"Welcome to the class Peyton. Would you like to welcome yourself." Mr. Williams said

" sir sorry." I muttered

"That's alright you may take a sit in any empty desk you'll like." He said while sitting down at his desk

I turn to my mom and hug her as i say "I'll be ok you can head back to your office I'll text you if I need your help with anything. Love you."

She quickly hugs me back and says "Okay but please text me if you need anything and i mean it. Love you too." And i nodded as she exited the classroom i sit down at the desk that's in the front.

"Hey Peyton right..." This girl said to me and i nodded not really wanting to talk. "My name's Annabelle and i can show you to your classes if you'll like." Annabelle said which made me smile. I really needed to make some friends and stop being shy.

"That will be great and here's my schedule you can look at it to see what classes we have together." I said to her while handing my schedule.

"Damn girl you must be really smart taking college and AP classes, unfortunately we have this class and English together oh and by the way the English teacher is what everyone calls an ice queen or cold hearted."

The bell rings, we walk out and i say "She can't be that bad." Trying to give me some hope that she's not mean like Annabelle said.

"She is, just wait and see if I told you so." She helps me find my next class which is art. I love art, i paint draw and design different things.

I head to art class and take my seat, the teacher is chill and nice. I start on my free drawing project that's due in 4 days but I'll likely finish in 2.

I meet up with Annabelle as we head to English class. I hope this teacher isn't mean like I've heard people say she is. We enter the classroom and the teacher isn't in yet, me and Annabelle keep talking to we hear the door slam shut.

"Enough talking everyone." Ms. Davis yelled as her voice boomed through the classroom.

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