Chapter 23.

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Third person POV

Peyton looked at her mom and back at Emily. Before she could say anything the door opens revealing her dad, Steve. She looked at Emily again and tried to find any emotion that showed on her face. She didn't find any so she didn't know what Emily was feeling.

Peyton ran and hugged her dad. "Hey dad, how was work." She replied trying to get out the conversation.

"It was okay pumpkin, i had a lot of paperwork to finish, but i won all my cases today." He said being proud.

"Oh my god, that's great." She said happily at her dad. He walked to the kitchen and instantly stopped.

"What's going on in here." He looked between Sam and Emily.

Sam was about to reply but Emily beat her to it. "I was just asking if there's another part about Kate. I've been thinking about it but the thought wouldn't leave my mind." She glared at everyone waiting for someone to speak up.

He gulped loudly and glanced at Peyton for help.

She signed and spoke up.

"Yes there is another part but i didn't say anything because i felt like it would break you." Everyone snapped their heads at Peyton and eyes widen.

"I think you might want to sit down for this conversation." Peyton told Emily and she obeyed.

"I think I'm just going to-" Steve was cut off by Sam.

"Nope don't you dare, your going to sit down and i don't care if you just came home from work." Sam glared at Steve to see if he would protect. Luckily he didn't, and sat down.

"Okay since i know what happened I'll say it." Peyton mentally prepared herself for this.

She takes a deep breath. "So the last time Kate came back to London was Christmas, she and Maria were totally fine."

Emily cuts me off. "Did you know i was her real girlfriend."

Peyton gulped. "No i didn't know until me and Kate had a conversation when she told me she had to leave." Emily nodded her head telling her to go on.

This is the part she's going to have trouble with. "So 2 days later, Maria came back to the house asking if Kate was here I said no, i had to lie about it. The reason is because..." She trailed off. And took Emily's hand to hold it.

Emily saw how nervous Peyton was so she gave her a reassuring squeeze.

Peyton took a deep breath. "Kate told me that your parents-"

Peyton was instantly cut off by Emily yelling.

"M-my parents. What? How?" She yelled and stuttered a bit.

Peyton ignored Emily's outburst and continued. "Like i was saying, she told me that her real girlfriends parents paid her off to leave their daughter and leave with no contact with anyone. Of course i asked her what her real girlfriends name was, and she told me she was a girl from college. Maria was just a cover up. Kate said she had to date Maria, she had no choice." Peyton tried to ease her heartbeat.

Sam and Steve just sat there quietly just listening to the story.

Emily stuttered which is so unlike her. "W-Wait so y-your saying that my p-parents paid Kate to stay away from me. But why would Kate do that. She loved me but she left me and cheated on me." She now had tears rolling down her cheeks. Peyton felt a sting in her heart as she wiped her tears away.

"Kate told me she didn't want to stay away but, your parents threatened her and your safety, so she did what she thought was the smartest at the time. She took the money and left. I haven't heard from her ever since. That was almost 3 years ago, but i saw Maria about a year ago. She still doesn't know what happened with Kate." Peyton concluded the story and put her head down.

Peyton thought she should have told her when Emily said Kate was dating her, but she didn't.


Complete total silence.

No one spoke or dared to move. They all looked at each other, trying to figure out the emotions that everyone is feeling.

Peyton, feeling guilty for not saying anything sooner.

Then there was Emily who was feeling, hurt, anger, pain, betrayal, and annoyed. Why is she feeling annoyed? Was it at the situation, or was it at Peyton.

She thought, clearly everyone at this table knew except her.

Emily was the first one to speak, "Wow... So my parents did this, they ruined everything for me. They are the reason I'm so closed off. I can't believe this." She shook her head laughing with no humor. She was furious. Her own parents did this to her. She thought Kate cheated on her. But it was her parents fault.

How was she so stupid all this time? Was it really not that obvious. Or was she just planning not to see it.

Sam wanted to say something but quickly closed her mouth.

Peyton signed and got up to hug Emily. She silently cried in Peyton's chest. Peyton's heart broke for her. She didn't know what this meant.

Was Emily willing to do this with her student. This new information made her rethink about the situation they're both in.

Was it really worth it. Were they both in love with one another, or was this just a lust spark between the two.

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