Chapter 3.

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Emily Davis POV

I head down to my basement where my gym is. I lift weights so i can forget all the pain and hurt I've endured most of my life. I finish with my workout and go back upstairs to take a shower. I put on my navy blue suit with black heels. I stand around 5'10, I'm originally a blonde but dyed my hair a medium brown color. I hope in my black SUV and drive off to school.

Everyone calls me the ice queen or a cold hearted bitch, I'm used to it, but it sometimes gets to me and people say I'm incapable of being loved when really I've been hurt and trying to mask anyway the pain and sadness by putting walls and guards up. If you were to look at me you wouldn't believe I've been hurt and hidden behind my mask.

There are lost of whispers about kids calling me the ice queen and saying i don't deserve love just because I'm mean.

I enter my classroom and bury myself in grading assignments just before the bell rings. I look at my 3rd period roster and see Peyton Carter. She's the principals daughter but i don't care who she is, she better not disrespect me or she will have another thing coming. Yea yea call me mean i don't care.

I see Peyton and Annabelle walk in together. They kids keeps talking while the bell rings. "Alright class settle down and get to working with what i put on the board." I say sternly. I don't care if I yell or shout they will not disrespect me.

I was on my computer putting grades in until i heard Peyton say to Annabelle "Damn the bell just rung, does she really have to be that rude bloody hell." I then heard Annabelle whisper "Well yea she's a real bitch."

That's it I've had enough "MISS CARTER AND MISS WILLIAMS GET OUT MY CLASSROOM AND GO TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE!" I yelled and slammed my hands on the desk. I've had enough of people disrespecting me.

"Well I'm not going to get in bloody trouble so bye." Peyton said while both of them walked out the classroom and slammed the door.

"Anyone else who wants to disrespect me and go to the principals office." I gritted my teeth. They all mumbled no ma'am and got started with there work.


Peyton's POV

After Ms. Davis yelled at us we existed the classroom and i slammed the door. No one is going to talk to me like that.

"That was pretty badass if you ask me." Annabelle said as we walked to the office.

"Yea well she has another thing coming if she thinks she can yell at me." I said fuming

We enter the office and my mom's secretary was at the desk. Oh by the way my mom's secretary is my aunt one of my mom's sister.

"Hey aunt Jess is mom in her office." Before she could say anything Annabelle's eyes widen and said "She's your aunt as in the principals sister and the principal is your mom. What the fuck is going on."

Aunt Jess just laughed and i said "Yea but my mom is actually my step mom but she's been more a mom to me than my actual mother." I said sadly

"Yea Sam is in her office and you need to stop getting in trouble really calling a teacher a bitch Peyton really but I'm not going to yell at you your mother will do that." My aunt said glaring at me. I nodded my head at opened my mom's office door.

"Damn you don't even have to knock that's some shit." Annabelle laughed.
We enter my mom's office and sat down in the chairs.

"Firstly calling a teacher a bitch really y'all both know better." My mom said slightly angry.

"Sorry mom Ms. Davis was being rude and i just whispered to Annabelle and she said she was a bitch."

"Sorry Mrs. Carter we was both out of line and it won't happen again." Annabelle said intimidated by my mom.

"I will let y'all off the hook this one time, but if it happens again y'all will get detection."

"Thank you mom I'll try to behave in her class." I mumbled

"Thank you Mrs. Carter, now if y'all excuse me I'm going back to class." Annabelle said standing up.

Annabelle hugged me and left the office.

"Peyton you have to stop disrespecting Ms. Davis, yes what people say is true she is the ice queen, and she's been hurt and you know what that feels like so please just try to get along with her." My mom said softly.

"Yes ma'am I'm sorry, can you email her and tell her I'm with you, and can i stay in here with you."

"Yes you can stay and I will tell her where your at." She said getting on her computer.

We was having a nice conversation and the bell rung so i hugged and kissed my mom's cheek and left her office. I went down to the cafeteria and went to sit down with Annabelle and her friends. I didn't feel like talking so i just looked around the room until my eyes found the one person that caused me hell today. I was just staring at her, she's wearing a navy blue suit with black heels. Her hair is curled down and it seems like she's wearing light makeup.

I'm not going to lie she's looks attractive but bloody hell she's mean. I've seen that mask before I've worn it before. I know hidden behind it is a person that just wants to be loved by others and not taken for granted. She wants to be perfect but knows there is no way that can happen. She has been disappointed all her life and just hidden behind all the pain.

I leave the cafeteria and head to my last class. I leave school with my mom and today she is buying me a car. I'm going to pick the Audi Q5 me and my mom was talking about. She has the Audi A4 and it looks nice. We drive off to the car shop.

Loving Her (TeacherxStudent) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt