Chapter 16.

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Love can be a difficult expression, people don't know what love can feel like or if the right person loves them.

Love... It can be real almost as being in love with someone or you could fake love a person.

Is this what I feel?

Am I in love with Emily Davis?

I am aware that I'm just daydreaming in class instead of paying attention, but can you blame me. She looks like a goddess. Black and white dress, hugs her curves in the right places. She's wearing light makeup. And black heels.

The bell rings and everyone leaves.

"Peyton can you stay back a minute." She asked and i nodded my head.

"Don't wait up for me." I told Annabelle and all she did was wink at me.

Annabelle was the last person to leave after that she closed the door. I grabbed my backpack from the floor and put it by her desk.

She sits down at her desk and all we do is keep eye contact. I'm the first one to break it.

I cleared my throat. "You wanted to see me ma'am." I put on my best fake smile. Truth be told i wanted to kiss her again but didn't want to over step any boundaries.

"Right well the reason i said that is because in class you were staring in space. Is everything alright." She genuinely seemed concerned.

I wanted to laugh at her. I was staring at her but she doesn't need to know that. "Yes ma'am I'm fine."

I see her bit her lip. Don't do that. She looks flustered. Was it because i called her ma'am.

"You can call me Emily i don't mind." She cleared her throat.

I want to kiss her.

I see her staring at my lips. I look down at hers. We both lean in and i hesitate. She sees this and smashes her lips on mine. At first is was slow and sensational then we both picked up the pace and it's now passionate and calming.

The bell rings and it startled the both of us. I jumped back and i open my eyes to hers full with different emotions.

"I'm sorry." I looked down not having the courage to look her in the eyes.

"No your not." She smirks at me. I looked at her confused. "Your not sorry for kissing me your sorry because you don't know how I'll react." She clears that up and she's right i guess I'm not really sorry for kissing her maybe I'm sorry because i kissed her in school again.

"Do you regret it?" I shyly asked her.

Her jaw clenches. "No but it can't happen again and I'm serious this time. I could lose my job my whole career is on the line." She sees the look on my face. "I'm sorry."

That didn't help. She has a job that she can't jeopardize i understand so why am I sad and hurt.

"I get it bye Emily." I whisper as i grab my backpack.

"Bye Peyton." She whispers back.

I leave her classroom. I go look to my mom's office not really in the mood to go to class the rest of the day.

I spot aunt Jess and gives her a hug.

"Is mom in her office." I ask her.

"No she's in the staff room but you can go in." She suggested.

"Okay thank you." She gives me a nod and i open up her office door and immediately goes to the couch.

It's my favorite spot now.

Why can't I control myself around her. I always end up kissing her.

That's because you're in love with her my thoughts interrupt me

I freeze love... I'm not in love with her. It's too soon right..

I get lost in my thoughts that i don't hear the door close.

"What happened now." I signed and sit up for this one. "I kissed Emily again." I looked down.

"What happened."

I sign and lay back down. "We was just talking then we started to stare at each other. My senses clouds everytime I'm around her and I just end up embarrassing myself. We both leaned in then a couple of seconds later the bell goes off." I take a breath and mom just nods saying she is listening. "I told her i was sorry if she ended up regretting it but she didn't. She said she couldn't jeopardize her career and i completely understand. So why do i feel so hurt." I groan

"Because you have strong feelings for her or maybe your in love with her and just wants her to yourself. You want her to reciprocate the feelings but know how hard it is for her you don't know what to do." She signs and gets up. "I would say give it time but you probably should keep your space for a little."

She's right we really should but i don't know if i can.

I groan "Fuck, why is this so hard." I close my eyes.

"It's hard because you're in fact in love with her but your also scared of rejection."

"Yea... Your right but i don't know if I'm in love with her. I have strong feelings for her but in love... No."

She just smirks at me but doesn't say anything else.

"Can i just go home i don't feel like staying here anymore." I pouted my lip.

"Fine you can and I'll email your teachers but don't make this a habit."

I laugh. "Thank you love you and see you at home."

"Yea love you too now get out of my office." She playfully chuckles.

I love the relationship i have with my mom. Ever since i moved in with her and dad she has been a great example of what a mother is supposed to be.

I leave her office and head to the parking lot. I get in my car and head home.

But i also think about the person who's driving me insane.

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