Chapter 13.

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The bell rings signaling the end of school. Mom has a meeting later today so i just head out to the parking lot to get to my car. Yes i got my car back from the shop. I didn't feel like going home right away so i just went driving around. I already know this crush is going to only grow the more that I'm around her.

I push the gas pedal a little harder and put on some music while i drive. All i want is for her to trust me and open up to me. I think one day i want to sit down with her and open up my past to her. I like how she carries herself high and mighty. Her hair is a dark brown color and she's stands about 5'9. Her glares can be scary as hell but when you get on her good side or when she trust you then you'll be fine.

I glance at the time on my phone to see it's 4:30 my mom should almost be finished with her meeting.

I hear my phone go off and i see it's a text from mom 'Can you come and pick me up my meeting finished and my car isn't working'

I quickly texted her back saying i was on my way. I go to the front where i see mom and Emily talking. I glare at her, i see them laughing and all i want to do is make her laugh like that.

"Hey Peyton." I rolled my eyes at Ms. Davis.

"Hi." I said not in the mood to be talking to her.

"Hey is it okay if Emily rides with us." Mom gave me a knowing smirk. I turned my attention to my mom where i stare at her in shock. She knows i had an argument earlier today.

So why is she doing this?

"Yea fine i don't care." I mumble and lied of course i cared. I didn't want her in the car since I blew up on her.

"Great I'm getting in the back." Mom smirked at me again.

Seriously mom who's side are you on.

I groaned loudly and stated "Get in the car." I muttered

They both get in, Mom is in the back while, Emily Davis is sitting in the passengers seat. I reversed out the parking lot and drive.

"Ms. Davis what is your address." I said not giving her a glance.

"Please call me Emily and it's 2345 Parkway Drive." I rolled my eyes and put her address in my GPS.

"So.. i love your car Peyton." Ms. Davis or Emily said. I don't know which to call her so..

"Thank you." I said

"Hey mom did aunt Jess say she was coming over for dinner with us." I diverted the conversation to mom.

"Yea her, Alex and Michael is coming." She said lightly

"Ugh seriously why is Micheal coming doesn't he fucking hate me so why is he coming over and who invited him." I groaned getting myself upset.

"Umm... You might not want to do this here." Mom mumble but i clearly head her and so did Emily especially with the facial expression she did.

"Fine but this conversation isn't over." I pointed a finger at her.

I hear Emily clear her throat at asked the one question i didn't want to answer, "Who's Micheal and why does he hate you."

I tensed at that and looked at mom in the mirror.

"I don't want to talk about that with you." I simply said honestly don't care if that hurt her feelings or not.

Her face held hurt but was quickly masked with an unread emotion.

The conversation quickly ended leaving a uncomfortable silence. I sit here with a woman who regretted kissing me. I'm almost at her house. I am thankful because i can't be in a car with her any longer. I see we are at her house and it's very nice and modern. She steps out the car and says bye to both of us but i don't answer. I hear her sign as she closes the door to head to the door. Mom waves at her before i pull off to go back home.

"Did you really have to be that mean to her." I rolled my eyes at her so i know what side she picks.

"I mean i had a reason i just did it horribly." I groaned.

"Yea it did but back to our conversation." I groan

"Okay so your dad actually invited him because Micheal says he wants to clear the air between y'all. He says since he's going to college soon he wants to be on good terms with you." She replied softly. I think about what she said maybe i should just clear the air and let everything that happened in the past stay in the past.

"Okay I'll try." I just said and shrugged.

I park my car in the driveway and turn off my car. Mom said she'll call a car shop to come pick it up. I open the door to see dad already in the kitchen starting with dinner.

Yes both of my parents know how to cook. They both usually help with dinner. The door rings and i see aunt Jess, Alex, and Michael i open the door wider for them to come in.

I tell them I'm going to take a shower.

I quickly take a shower and i get out. I put on a blue jumpsuit with my black combat boots. I put on some makeup and put my hair in a bun.

I go back downstairs and see dinner is ready and everyone is seated at the table ready to eat.

"Alright since everyone is here let's dig in and eat." My humorous father said.

I laughed at him and put the food on my plate.

The conversation with Michael will it come out smoothly

Or will one of us end up getting hurt.

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