Chapter 2.

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Her voice ranged though the whole classroom. Almost everyone jumped. I look up to see her in a white tank top with a black blazer and black dress pants with black heels. Her hair is in a tight bun.

"I see we have a new student, i don't care you will respect me or you will get out and better yet you will go to the principals office." She said coldly and sternly

I can't get in trouble since the principal is my mother i thought in my head.

"What was that miss..." She said glaring at me.

"Carter, Peyton Carter." I said

"Are you the principals daughter." A girl said.

"Yes I am." I said while shrugging.

A lot of people were 'ohhing' i was about to say something but that's when Ms. Davis yelled "That's enough, Peyton you either shut up or get out of my classroom. I will not take any disrespect or you are out. Now back to what i was saying before i was rudely interrupted."

Damn she's mean. Annabelle was right but she just has walls built up so she doesn't get hurt anymore than she was. We was going to write a essay explaining what happened in Romeo and Juliet without reading or watching the movie. This is an easy assignment for me. I wonder if the grading system is the same as the London school i was at.

I was to caught up in my thoughts that the bell scared me.

"Bloody hell that scared the shit out of me." I whispered to myself but Annabelle heard, she turned to me and said "Was that a London accent."

I nodded my head and said "Yea i was born and lived in London until i moved here." I frowned just thinking of the memories their.

She noticed my mood changed and only nodded her head.

Ms. Davis scared the both of us and said "What are y'all still doing in my classroom get out and go to your next class." We both left without another word.

"Damn maybe you was right she's scary as hell, but only because she's been hurt way too many times and has built walls and guards up so she doesn't let anyone in."

Annabelle stared at me shocked "How the hell do you know that." I simply just shrugged and walked to lunch. I didn't want to reveal my past to anyone just yet.

Me and Annabelle just talked and she introduced me to her friends, Tyler and Olivia. Annabelle is 5'3 with blonde hair and blue eyes. Tyler is 6'1 light brown hair and brown eyes. And Olivia is 5'7 with dark brown with red highlights and green eyes. Me and Tyler are sort of the same height he's only 2 inches taller than me.

Lunch ended and my last class of the day was law and business. This is one of the college classes I'm taking. I enter the classroom and take a seat in the middle row. We start class and the teacher is very nice. She's married and her husband teaches the juniors here. We started talking about the business aspects and what different types of things you can do. The bell rings and i leave the class to go to my mom's office. I enter and her secretary says i can knock on the door. I knock and hear a 'come in' so i open the door and sit in the chair.

She's working on her computer so i just look around her office until she is done. It's painted a dark grey color and she has pictures of me, her and dad at their wedding.

"Hey i have to finish this it won't take more than 5 minutes to get this done." I nodded my head and said "Okay."

There was another knock on her door and she said come in. Just as the door open the ice queen aka Ms. Davis appears and closes the door as she enters her office.

"Mrs. Carter i have some paperwork for you." She said sternly

My mom only nodded as Ms. Davis sat the papers down. I stared at her and the only words that came out was "hi Ms. Davis." I said timidly. And all she did was nodd. She then leaves without another word.

"Wow is she always like that." I said staring at the desk

"Yea you probably already heard but people call her the ice queen."

"Yea i heard this girl Annabelle said she's a cold hearted bitch but i said she's only like that because she's been hurt too many times and thinks if she acts that way no one will ask questions so she doesn't let anyone in." I said in one breath

She noticed my mood changed and stood up to hug me and whispered "You are so strong you will get through this." And i just nodded my head.

The reason why i became shy and don't have a lot of friends is because, my only friend i had back in London, she betrayed me, she was the first person I told that I was a lesbian and a week later everyone knew. She's the one that outed me to the whole school, then my mom found out and said i had to live with my dad and said i was no longer her daughter.

"Come on let's go home. Do you want to get something to eat on the way home or eat something that's at home." She said while locking up her office door.

I told her that whatever was fine so she picked we could have Chinese. I agreed with her. We got in her car and drove off.

"Can I plug up my phone to the aux cord." I said looking at her.

She said "Sure go ahead." I plugged up my phone and played streets by Doja Cat. We are pulling up in the driveway. She turns off her car and looks at me and said "The end of this week me and your dad is going to take you to get a new car how does that sound."

I looked at her shocked and opened and closed my mouth then i said "Oh my god.. what you don't have to."

"We both want to and when you get a girlfriend do you want her picking you up all the time?" She said as we both got out the car.

"No i don't, but oh my god you don't know how much this means to me thank you." I said still trying to process this.

"Nonsense it's the least I can do. Now go upstairs and change while you do that I'll order Chinese for us." I said thank you to her and headed upstairs.

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