Chapter 12.

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The door closes and it's just me and her. I wonder what's going to happen. Am i overthinking this situation. No i have every right to be.

"Why am I here Ms. Davis." I said in an annoying tone. I watched as her expression become more hurt at my tone. But in that moment i didn't care.

"Are you okay from earlier." She said softly. Wow so first she says the kiss was a mistake and it didn't mean anything. Now she wants to know if I'm ok for running out the way i did after she said that.

I sign, "Listen you don't get to ask me if I'm okay, not after what you said. I get it, there is consequences and your job on the line, but you shouldn't have said that in a regretful way. So I'm going to leave." My voice slightly raised.

"Peyton w-" she tried to say but i cut her off. "No you don't get how your words affected me." I tried to hide my emotions but at the end of my sentence my voice cracked. I opened the door without looking at her and slammed the door.

She had a full face of regret since she said the kiss was a mistake. I get that there will always be consequences regarding our situation and professional manner but she should have said that a different way.

I went straight to my mom's office. I opened her door closed it behind me and ran to hug my mom. I cried on her shoulder. I always seem to cry in front of her but i know she will do anything to protect me.

"I yelled at her and i didn't hear her out especially not after what she said this morning." I pulled away and laid on the couch.

"Now why didn't you hear her out." Mom said sitting beside me.

"Because i already know what she's going to say and i want to spare me the heartbreak." I laughed lightly trying to lift the mood.

"Well you never know until you try." My suggested.

"I'm done trying i want to have a break with this situation. I want to focus on school and not on her because the moment i do, I'll probably be running to her again and i can't do that to myself." I said thinking back to this situation

"Yea that makes sense and I'm here so if you ever want to talk about her to me just come to me." She said as she thought about something else. "Oh before i forget your father will be having dinner with us tonight." That made me shocked because dad is always at his office or on different cases.

"Wow okay is everything fine between y'all because if y'all get a divorce I'm staying with you." I am still shocked at what my mom said.

"Yes sweetie everything is fine between us he just wants to be here since he's really not." Mom smiled

"Okay that's great but if y'all ever get a divorce I'm staying with you." I playfully said but it was the truth.

She just shook her head slightly laughing at me. The mood wasn't as it was before i was actually laughing with her.

I look at the time it's almost time for me to go to art so i stood up and said "Alright mom I'm leaving do you have any meetings today."

"Okay and yes I have a meeting with the English department." She said slowly

"Oh... Great." I muttered she has a meeting with her who shall not be named at this giving time.

"Sorry if she tries to talk to me that's not related to the meeting then I won't talk to her." She said and i just shook my head. "No don't talk to her but if she gets on the topic of me just don't. Alright I'm leaving love you."

"Okay and love you too." I left her office as she said that and met up with Annabelle.

"Hey what did Ms. Davis want." She said as we walked down the hallway.

"She wanted to apologize for this morning but i wasn't having it so i kinda yelled at her and slammed her door." I said sheepishly

"Damn girl i didn't think you would stand up to the ice queen." She said acting if she was proud of me.

"Yea well she shouldn't have said what she said." I mumble clearly wanting to get off this topic. Annabelle sensed this and changed the topic which I was grateful for.

"Do you want to hang out later today."

"Sorry but i can't my dad will be home early and we're going to have a family dinner." I said.

We got to the art room and Annabelle went to her class after we said bye.

It was a free class in art so i just worked on another drawing

Don't think about her

She regretted it

Don't think

I think about Ms. Davis. I can't help but touch my lips and i felt hers on mine. How both of our lips fit together. How when she touched me it sent shivers to my spine.

She so beautiful her eyes sparkle in the sun or when she's talking about topics she's passionate about.

I do have a crush on her but the way she makes me feel is something i haven't seen before and we have this undeniable sexual tension that just keeps growing.

Is this a growing crush...

Or... Is this something else i have yet to find out??

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