Chapter 29.

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I'm standing in the living room stocked not daring to move... Annabelle should have came in.

Mom can obviously see the tension because she clears her throat.

"Did you have a fun time with Annabelle." Mom asked trying to relieve some of the tension.

"Yea i had a good time." I cut my eyes at Emily and say, "Why are you here Emily." The tension is so thick, it's suffocating. You can cut it with a knife.

"Because you left the cafe pretty quickly and i wanted to see if you were okay." She said sincerely. She wanted to see if I'm okay... Yea right.

I scoff, "Yea I'm fine." I go to the kitchen and grab a water bottle. I hear footsteps and by them it's Emily. Without turning around i say, "Leave me alone Emily." She signs.

"No.." i roll my eyes even though she can't see. "Please tell me what's up with you." I turned around fast. Luckily i didn't give myself whiplash.

"You and that... Girl was pretty close in that cafe. So what was that about." I spat out at her with furrowed eyebrows.

She laughs. She finds this funny. "Yea I'm leaving." I was trying to leave the kitchen but she grabbed my arm and spun me around. We are so close that i could feel her minty breath on mine.


"No.. don't call me that." What is she doing. She's so close to my lips.

"She's just my best friend baby." She whispers. I feel her breath on my lips and it makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

I gulp loudly, "B-but y'all were holding hands." I am getting flustered.

"She was pulling me up to the line since i was staring at you." I tried to open my mouth to say something but she quickly put her lips on mine.

This kiss was not really like the others. This kiss held reassurance, and this relationship or whatever it is, is secure.

I melt right in the kiss. I put my arms around her neck and pull her closer if that's possible. Then she wraps her arms around my waist. She breaks the kiss, both out of breath and panting. I am taller than her so i kiss up on her neck, trying to find her sweet spot. I kiss along her pulse point. I get to the middle and she lets out a low moan.


I keep kissing and sucking, but making sure i don't leave a mark.

We snap back into reality when we hear someone clear their throats. We pull away but still close enough.

"Well what's going on in here." Mom smirks at the both of us.

Emily clears her throat and grabs my water from behind her. She takes a big gulp.

"Well Em, you got yourself a keeper." The woman i still don't know her name.

"Excuse my manners, I'm Taylor, your girls best friend." I looked back at Emily and she gave me a slight smile.

I turn back to Taylor and shake her hand. "And I'm Peyton but you probably know that." I chuckled nervously. Why am i nervous it's not like I'm meeting her parents.

"Make sure to take care of my girl here she's been my best friend since we were little." I smiled softly at Taylor.

"I will i promise." She laughs as we all head back into the living room.

I turned to mom, "Is dad going to be home for dinner." I really hoped he will.

"No sweetie, he's taking on a major case so he won't be home until later tonight." I frowned i really wanted him to be home.

"Oh.. okay." I frowned. "Umm.. I'm going up to my room." I muttered. I ran upstairs and slammed my door and locked it.

I shouldn't be sad, dad's really not home. But i wanted all of us to have dinner together. I mean he is a big lawyer, what could i have expected. I look in my mirror, i see tears on my cheeks.

Why am i crying, I'm used to this.

I hear a quiet knock on my door.

"Go away please.." i chocked up.

"Please it's Emily, talk to me babe." I sign. Should i let her in.

I walk over to my door and unlock it. I open it slowly.

"Come in." I say but it comes out as a whisper.

I open it wider and she comes in and sits at the edge of my bed.

I walk over to her and she pulls me in for a hug. It only takes that for me to break down in her arms. This woman always sees me crying.

"I-I shou-should be used to this but I-I really wanted to have dinner with him tonight." I chocked on a sob.

She runs her hands inside my shirt. "It's alright baby. Everything will be okay." Her presence helps me calm down. But will everything be okay.

I pull back. I stare at her. She wipes the tears away.

"I'm sorry." I felt like apologizing.

"For what?"

I shrug, "For always crying in front of you, it seems like I'm making that a habit." I chuckled softly.

"It's alright, I'm happy to always be there when you cry. I love you." She confesses.

This just makes me more in love with her. "I love you too." I pull her in for a tender kiss. I love kissing her. It puts me in a place i can't explain.

She makes me feel safe, and i always feel calm around her. I'm so in love with her. I've never had this feeling before and it scares me.

She pulls back and we just stare at each other. I love to admire her beauty. Her eyes held love. That's all i wanted. She feels the same way, or maybe she feels more love for me.

I hear a knock on my door. With me and Emily still close together i say 'come in'. The door opens and enters mom.

"Are you okay sweetie." She looks between us and smiles. I think she loves us being together.

I nod, "Yea I'm fine now." She looks at me. "I promise. Emily helped me calm down."

"Alright sweetie." She's about to leave but says something. "Oh and Emily you're welcome to stay for dinner." I look back at Emily pleading to stay.

She looks at me then back at mom, "Sure i would love to if you don't mind." She said to make sure she was intruding.

"Nonsense, I'll let y'all know when dinner is ready." She doesn't wait for our answer instead she closes the door.

I look at Emily and pull her back into another kiss. She falls back on the bed and i straddle her waist. We keep kissing for a while. I inserted my tongue in her mouth. I swirl my tongue exploring her mouth. I feel my panties getting wetter by the minute we keep kissing. I pull back and look down at her. She's flustered. We hear mom yell "Dinners ready."

I look back at Emily, she's just laying there, her breathing is heavy. I open up the door and leave to go downstairs. Leaving her all flustered. I smirk to myself and make my way in the kitchen.

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