Chapter 14.

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We all finished eating. Conversations where flowing easily. I see Micheal get up from his chair.

"Hey Peyton do you mind if I talk to you right quick." He lifted his gaze on me.

I looked at him and gave him a hesitating nod. I got out my chair and we both went in the den to talk

He looked at me and signed, "I know I've been a dick to you for a long time and I'm sorry, i know it doesn't justify what I've done to you but I'm really sorry. I took my anger out on you when you have done nothing to me. I just wanted to apologize to you. It's fine if you don't accept this." He looked so genuine and sincere saying this like he really means it.

I nodded my head don't really want to accept his apology so soon. "Thank you but i don't know if I can accept this so soon." I bit my lip nervously.

"It's totally fine i wouldn't either if i was you but are we on good terms." He said with hope in his voice.

"Yes we are good, now let's get out there so they don't think we killed each other." I chuckled and heard his laugh.

We both exited the den and went to the living room where everyone was at. They looked at us and back at each other.

"So y'all didn't kill each other, so that means y'all made up." Aunt Jess said and everyone agreed.

"Yes we made up." Me and Michael both rolled our eyes at them.

"Hey mom can I go out and drive for a little." I said as i looked over to my mom.

"Yes just be careful." She told me.

"I will love y'all." I grabbed my phone, wallet and my Porsche Cayman car keys. I usually take my Porsche when i want to go night driving.

I open the garage door and open my car door. I get in it and hear it rumble. I plug in my phone to my aux cord and play some R&B music.

I drive off. I love to free drive, it clears my head most of the time.

Thinking back to Emily, i shouldn't have talked to her like that but I'm not ready to say anything to her just yet. I hope i run into her, because i think she needs another apology from me... again.

Thinking of her plump lips.

How some of her suits shows off her cleavage.

Her firm ass in jeans or dresses.

Her sharp jawline.

I am mentally screaming at myself to stop these thoughts.

I can't do it.

She does things to me that make me have butterflies.

We have so much sexual tension.

I snap myself out of these thoughts and drive to Starbucks. I get in and just get my usual. I see Ms. Davis here.

My prayers were answered

I ran into her again

I mentally slapped myself for this.

I sit down in front of her. She looks up at me and i see her eyes are watering. She's on the verge of crying. My heart breaks for her.

"Ms. Davis are you ok." I asked softly

She cleared her throat and nodded her head. "Yea I'm fine." She just lied. I know that smile it's a fake not okay smile. The one you give to people who will believe your okay. But i know her and she's not.

I looked at her signing. "What are you doing here so late." I asked her

"I just came here to clear my head about things. And what are you doing here this late." She resorted back. But i didn't fail to realize the way she should things. What does that mean?

"I had a dinner at my house with family and i was just driving around." I replied.

"Did you have a nice dinner." She looked at me with an emotion i couldn't read.

"Yea the dinner was nice and a person who hated me for a long time apologized to me and we're on good terms." I told her.

She nodded her head, and she wanted to ask a question but didn't. She knows not to pry just like i do her. We will both open up to each other when we're ready.

"How are you Ms. Davis." I took a sip of my coffee.

"Call me Emily, and I'm fine."

I nodded my head.

"Okay let's play a game." I said

"What kind of game do you suggest Miss. Carter." She said amusingly.

"Well Ms. Davis i think we should ask each other questions."

She looked at me for a while but it was only seconds. "Your on Miss. Carter.

"Okay I'll start, what's your favorite color.

"Light blue or sometimes red."

I nodded my head, "Do you have any siblings." She said

"Yea one but she left around 2 years ago and i haven't heard or seen from her since." I said thinking about my sister Kate.

"Why did you decide to be a teacher."

"I love when my teachers would explain and help young adults with topics and learning different things. So in high school i got to help my teacher teach her class and it made me realize i wanted to be a teacher." She explained to me so vividly, that her face lit up.

We kept asking each other questions and i stood up and told her i was heading home. We both left the cafe and headed to my car.

"Nice car you have." She stood in awe.

"Thank you." I replied.

"Hey if you don't mind can I have your number because we can go out to my favorite place to eat outside the city so there won't be people from school who knows us." I shifted my feet. Looking at the ground nervously.

When she didn't say anything right away i got scared at said "I mean it's totally fine if you don't i ju-"

She cut me off and said "Give me your phone." I got it out of my pocket and handed it to her. She put her number and i did the same. We both said our goodbyes and went into our cars.

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