Chapter 5.

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It's been two weeks since I've came to Eastern Bay High School. Since the day i tried to apologize to Ms. Davis, we have been going at it. She yells at me i yell back and she sends me out of class. It's now Wednesday and my alarm just went off. I got up and headed to the shower. I let the warm water take over my body. I got out picked out a black tank top, denim jacket with ripped jeans and white Air Forces.

I head downstairs quickly say bye to my dad and left the house. I go to my car and get in it. While I'm driving to school i stop at the Starbucks drive thru and order me a venti ice coffee. I payed and headed off to school.

I park my car and see Annabelle with Tyler and Olivia standing on the sidewalk waiting for me.

"Hey guys let's go." I called to them. We walked to our lockers and went to class.

The first two classes were good i finished my art project. Now it is time for English. I hope Ms. Davis isn't a bitch today i can't handle that. Me and Annabelle walk in together. We spot Ms. Davis at her desk working on her computer. She looks hot with her hair in a bun. With a blue blouse and black slacks. With some black heels. Wait did i just say she looks-

"Alright class settle down." Ms. David slammed the door. Why does she always have to slam the bloody door.

"Get to working on the essay topics i left on the board pick anyone of them." She sternly said while getting back to her desk.

If she won't acknowledge me then i guess I'll have to make a scene.

"Miss Carter why aren't you doing your work." Ms. Davis glared at me. Damn she looks hot.

"Because i don't fucking want to." I shrugged. Ms. Davis just looked at me i know she's had enough of my outbursts all the time.

"Get the fuck out of my classroom now." Ms. Davis screamed. You can see the steam coming out of her ears.

The students ohhed but that only made Ms. Davis more angry.

"Gladly you bitch fuck you." I yelled walking out the classroom and slamming the door.

I walked out the school. I fucking hate her. All she does is yell and just give you the cold shoulder. All i continue to do is infuriate her even more. Mom told mo to be nice to her or at least not disrespect her but she doesn't have to yell.

Emily Davis POV

How is she going to talk to me like that. I admit sending her out the classroom was harsh but she doesn't want to stop disrespecting me. I signed heavily and said "Get back to work class."

Whenever I'm feeling down i drown myself in my work that's what I did the whole period. The bell rings signaling lunch. "Alright class hand in the essays and if you don't it counts as half credit."

I see most of the class turns in their work.

I head out of my classroom and go to my car. I get in it and drive to Starbucks. On my way there i keep thinking about everyone who has hurt me in my life. Firstly my parents didn't approve of me being gay so they made me get married to a man when i turned 18. I didn't love him. He knew i was gay but helped me work and save up so i could go to college. When i turned 20 he told me that i could get a divorce and said he had a trust fund for me that had around 150 million. I provided for myself went to college and started teaching.

Thinking back to when Peyton called me a bitch, it hurt a lot. I've been called way worse. My family hates me for not going in the family business and doesn't like what I do. I have no friends and no family. I've been hurt, disappointed all my life since i was a kid. All I've been asking was people just respect me. I hide behind my walls and masks I'm afraid to let people in they might take my pain and break it even more. It looks like i carry myself high but inside I'm falling apart.

Things have been hard. Everyone knows me as the ice queen, i can't blame them for saying that, it just hurts sometimes.

I realize I'm crying and quickly wipe my eyes. I sign and close my eyes for a brief moment. I walk out of my car and enter to get me a coffee to try and relax.

I spot Peyton sitting by the window. She looks beautiful. Wait what am I saying. I take my seat in the back corner and close my eyes. I hear someone approach me so i open them and i see Peyton. I sign and said "Please I'm not looking to yell at you so can you just leave." I begged letting my mask fall. In my voice all you can hear is sadness and pain.

"I'm not here to cause any trouble i just want to apologize for real this time. I'm sorry for being such a... She said trying to find the word.

"... Asshole." I said

"Yea I'm sorry for being an asshole to you and disrespecting you in class I'll try better at working on my attitude in class." She said looking down.

"Well thank you and I'm sorry for cussing at you that was wrong on my part." I said softly

"Thank you well if you don't mind I'm leaving so have a good rest of your day Ms. Davis." She said standing up.

She left and i just stared at her. She does have a nice ass. What am I talking about get a grip Emily.

I get up and leave while I'm thinking about Peyton.

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