Chapter 26.

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Peyton's POV

I am now getting ready for my date with Emily. She's taking me to her house.

She texted me to wear something casual. So I'm wearing a light blue tank top with, a jean jacket and black shorts and black Nikes.

I sit down and do my light makeup. I put my hair in a tight bun. I spray on some perfume.

I hear a knock on the door. I go downstairs.

"Honey, Emily's here." I heard mom yell.

"I'm right here." I turn my head to look at Emily.

She's wearing a v neck that shows a little bit if cleavage, jeans that hugs her ass, her hair is pulled back in a low ponytail and she has the same Nikes as me. I trail my eyes from her face to her cleavage slowly going down to her-

"Are you done eye-fucking her yet." Mom replied with a smirk.

I went all red. I look up to see Emily looking at every inch of my body.

She cleared her throat pulling her eyes off of my body.

"You ready to go." She asked me.

I grab my phone and she grabs my hand as we leave the house.

She opens the door for me.

"Thank you babe." I told her and i instantly saw a smile on her face.

She climbs in the car and i grab her face to kiss her. She's shocked at first but kisses back. I pull away but keep my forehead on hers.

"I can't wait for this date." I tell her honestly.

"Me either." She replies and starts driving back to her house. We sit in a very comfortable silence. I admire her as she's driving.

Her defined cheek bones, sharp jawline. How she has plump lips. She always smells like jasmine and vanilla. I love it. She's definitely so beautiful.

I'm looking over her gorgeous figure. Literally everything she wears hugs her curves in the right places, and when she wears that black tight dress it shows off her ass.

I see she has parked her car. I'm still staring at her, when she turns my direction her eyebrows raise. My face instantly flushes. She chuckles and opens my door for me.

We walk to her door as she unlocks it, we step in. I take a look. The kitchen is to the left, the living room is huge, there's a upstairs.

I take off my shoes.

"Make yourself at home babe, I'll be right back." I do as she said and sit in one of the chairs. I just continue to look around. I see pictures of Emily when she was younger. She has no siblings and her parents aren't in any of the photos.

I'm looking at one where Emily was a toddler. I hear Emily enter the living room, "You were so cute." I smiled.

"Are you saying I'm not cute now." She playfully glared at me and in this moment all her guards are down. She's the soft, lovable person she was years ago.

I laugh at her, "Nope..." She looked at me. "But your hot now." I winked at her. I saw a blush across her cheeks.

I laugh, she playfully slaps my arm. "Hey, not funny." She pouted at me and god she is so hot doing that.

"Shut up." She laughs as the blush deepens across her cheeks.

"Oh.. i said that.. out loud, didn't I?" I question her trying not to blush.

"Yes you did." She winks. "Okay so do you want take out or do you want me to cook something." She asks me and i try and decide.

"It's whatever you want babe." I tell her sincerely.

"Okay we'll have take out then next time how about i cook." She asks me and i can't help but smile.

"That sounds perfect, but come here." I say. She comes next to me and the next words that comes out of my mouth shocks both of us.

"Kiss me.." i whisper to her. To say I'm shocked is an understatement.

She quickly recovers the shock from her face and grabs my chin to kiss me.

We just kiss, no tongue, just us, feeling each other's lips on one another. It's filled with love, passion and lust.

She pulls away and smiles. "How about Chinese." I laugh and smile, "That's perfect babe." I tell her. She goes and calls and i tell her what i want.

We sit on the couch with the TV on softly.

"How about we get to know each other a little more."

I nodded, "Okay, you can start."

She smiles, "What do you want to do after you graduate?" She asks me and i get to thinking.

"Hmm... I don't know, i think i would love to be a therapist or a lawyer."

She nods, "You'll be great at anything you do." I smiled at her.

"What's your full name." She laughs and shakes her head.

"Nope not telling you."

"What... Come on you already know mine so it's fair i know yours."

She smiles, "Okay, my full name is Emily Elizabeth Scarlett Davis." Her name is so pretty.

"You have a nice name." I commented.

"I don't mean to pry but i remember you saying that you didn't really talk to your dad." I nodded my head. She continues, "Can i ask why?"

Should i say anything. I don't know. Fuck i might as well tell her.

"Me and dad didn't really have a great relationship, i was mad at him, for not being there for me and Kate. Kate has a different dad then me, but he never wanted her. Dad used to hate how close me and Kate were. Let's just say me and dad got in an argument and we both said things that were hurtful, it hurt me more than anything and i really didn't want to talk to him." I concluded.

"Do y'all have a good relationship now?" She ask cautiously.

I nodded my head, "Yea it's definitely better than before and I'm glad. I also love Sam, i remember i was mad at my parents for divorcing, i was acting out in school. Getting in all kinds of trouble. I only did that so they could pay attention to me, seeing the divorce was hard on me. But i learned to love Sam, especially after my mom kicked me out." I said in one breath trying not to let the tears fall. I didn't realize all of that still effects me.

"You know, when i was 10 my parents made me do things i never liked. They put me in pageants, dressed me up in dresses. I hates it. But i guess i learned to hide the pain." She shook her head.

The doorbell rung before i could say anything. She got up and it was the Chinese. Good because I'm starving. She comes back with our food and sits back down.

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