Chapter 22.

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I looked around shocked. "What are you doing here Emily?" I question her. My gaze goes to her once again.

"I'm here because i want to talk." She says softly.

I laugh like really laugh. "Really you want to talk now..." I shake my head. "You had your opportunity to speak with me but what did you do, you ignored me, for 2 weeks straight. How do you think i felt. You finally opened up to me and i told you something about my past. But yet you still ignored me, now you want to talk to me." I shake my head and laugh. This has to be a joke.

"Honey-." I shake my head.

"No mom please don't." I pleaded with her. She signed but nodded reluctantly.

I'm honestly glad dad's not home yet because he would scold me like i just been caught doing something bad.

"What is it Emily because I'm tired of you playing these mind games with me." I say harshly and my accent coming out.

"I know and I'm sorry it's just-" she leans her head down.

"It's what." She shakes her head. "No tell me why you always avoid me when we kiss. I know you can get in trouble and i know you have a hard time dealing with your feelings but please makes things clear with me." I exclaimed.

I looked at mom indicating if she could give us some privacy. She stands up and nods and leaves the kitchen.

"Look..." She signs as if she's trying to get her words together. "I know I've been a bitch but i like you a lot and the reason i avoid you is because I'm scared. I'm scared about my feelings for you, not just because of my career but I'm afraid of the same thing happening that occurred when i was with Kate." My eyes widen did she just compare me to Kate. I mean i haven't seen Kate in 3 years but that still doesn't give her the right.

"What, did you just compare me to my egotistic of a sister because I'm nothing like her. I mean we were always close even after she left for college. I still love her but I'm nothing like her." I take offense to that.

"Okay I'm sorry but i know my insecurities can get the best of me. I'm working on it." She signs and she looks like she's battling herself about something she wants to say.

"What is it." I sign

"No... It's nothing i shouldn't say anything." She shakes her head.

"Just say it please." I pleaded with her.

She takes a deep breath, "Do you ever talk to your real mom." I see she holds her breath and i take a seat.

I gulp and sign "No i haven't since I left London, and i don't care that i do. Sam is more of a mother to me than my actual mom."

She nods her head. "Has Sam met Kate or has she just heard about her."

"After dad remarried to her i met her in London and that's when she met Kate, but me and Kate have different fathers and mines in like a dad to her." I shake my head. "It's funny because my mom used to tell me we both had the same dad, Kate's older than me but we're inseparable until the day she left without saying anything." I lied she told me she was leaving and everything that happened but Emily didn't need to know that.

"Okay I'm about to say something and i just want you to listen... Please." She nodded. I need to say this.

Here goes nothing. I take a deep breath. "I have feelings for you." I close my eyes so i can't see her reaction. "I have since i first saw you, i kept denying it, saying it was just lust but it wasn't. I have real genuine feelings for you. I probably know you won't feel the same but i had to say it."

"Open your eyes please." She says softly and i don't i can't handle rejection. "Please just open your eyes." I sign and do as she says. "Good now let me talk." I nod my head again.

"I have feelings for you also. I'm sorry i keep pushing you away after things get complicated, i get confused and scared. It's not ideal for a teacher to have feelings for a student but i do. I tried to hate myself and distance myself from you. But the times i did, i still thought about you. You make me smile more and you make me happy. I'm still confused about everything but i want to do this." I looked at her confused what does she mean by saying 'i want to do this.'

She must of noticed the confusion on my face because she gets up from the chair and says something that completely throws me off guard.

"I want you, i want to be with you if you'll have me." I smile widely at her statement

I sign happily "Yes of course i want you." I then surprise her by kissing her.

She smiles through the kiss. This kiss is different from our other ones. This hold Love, a promise to each other and our feelings are mutual.

She swiped her tongue across my bottom lip and i grant her permission. Her hot tongue battles against mine and she instantly takes control. We get so lost in the kiss we didn't hear mom call my name.

"Peyton Annalise Carter." Mom yelled at me.

We break the kiss. We're both breathing heavily.

I groan "Seriously mom did you really have to say my full name." I hear Emily laugh.

Mom smirks "I see y'all made up." I laugh.

"Yea we're together." I try to contain my smile but fail. This is what I wanted.

"Wait i have one question though." Emily says.

"What is it." I look at her. I don't know if it's good or bad.

"I have a feeling that there's another part to the Kate story I've been going crazy please tell me I'm wrong." She questions.


That's the one thing i didn't want to answer.

I looked over at mom and gulped.

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