Chapter 43.

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My alarm goes and and i roll over to the other side.

"If you don't turn that day alarm off and get up, I'm coming in there." Kate screamed from her he next room.

I mentally laugh and turn it off.

It's the week for exams and I've been studying my ass off. Emily already knows I'll do good, but it won't hurt to revise more.

I turn on the shower water and get in.

Everything is going great for me. Emily and Kate are getting close. Me and Emily are fantastic. Dad has been home more and Mom is very supportive with everything.

I get out and wrap myself in a towel. I go to my closet and pick out a pencil skirt with a black blouse. I slip on my black heels and put my hair in a bun.

I head to the kitchen. "Good morning!" I smiled.

"Good morning." They said in unison.

I hear Kate groan, "It's so early for all of this noise."

I chuckle, "Well get used to it." She sticks up the middle finger.

"This reminds me of when Peyton was little and you was almost a teenager."

I laugh, Kate was always the mean one but we loved each other a lot.

I'm happy she's back.

I go upstairs and grabs my phone off the charger. I run downstairs, "What car should i take today." I ask no one in particular.

"How many cars do you have?" Kate questioned.

"I have the sliver Range Rover and the dark grey Audi."

She looks at me shocked, "Umm.. take your Audi."

I look at her then back at the car keys, "Audi it is, since i really don't drive it that much anyway."

"Come, do you want to see all of the cars in the garage." She nods and follows me out. I grab my car keys.

I open up the garage with all 5 cars in them.

"Wow.. who's all these cars." She gasps.

I chuckle, "Well the black SUV is dad's, then the black range rover and black Audi is mom's. The rest is mine."

"Why does dad only have one car?" She pondered.

"Because he said he didn't want more than one car, but he sometimes drives my range rover."

"Do you want to drive me to school." I dangle the car keys.

She nods, "Also ask dad or mom they are both willing to buy you a car."

She shakes her head as we get in the car. "What if they think I'm just here for the money." This is what I missed, having these heart filled conversations.

She drives off and i put in the gps for the school, "They won't i promise, as long as your staying they won't think that." She smiles.

"I really missed this, having these conversations with you." I smile but it quickly vanishes as i think.

"Why did you do what you did?" I question.

She glances at me, "At the time i was trying to protect Emily from her parents, I wanted to save her the trouble and just leave. I hated how me and Emily ended things. I hate how i was technically cheating on her. I only 'dated' Maria so her parents wouldn't suspect their child dating their daughter." She takes a deep breath. "After i left i went to France and stayed there for a while. I moved a lot, didn't really have a steady job. I was just thinking about my sister and everyone i hurt."

I look over at her as tears falls down to her cheeks. I look back out the window to see we are already at the school. I unbuckle my seatbelt.

"Come here." She leans towards me and hugs on for dear life. I never thought she felt this bad.

"I get what you did, honestly i would do the same, but i don't get why you only told me instead of Emily or Maria." I said softly.

She sniffles, "I told you because your the only one i trust the most with my life. We're family, but we are always so close to each other. And if i left without saying anything to anyone, you would probably be having a panic attack trying to find me. I disconnected my phone, left everything back in London and i started fresh." She signs.

I nod, "Yea your right. I'm just glad your back. I missed my big sister messing with me."

We both laugh, She hugs me tightly, "Go to school and tell Emily i said hi." She winked at me. I look out the window seeing Emily standing in the front.

I open and close my mouth, she laughs and pushes me out the car.

"Come pick me back up after school." I  demanded. She laughed and nod her head.

I go inside the school and instead of going to mom's office i go to Emily's room.

She isn't in here yet so I'll just sit in my desk.

I see her enter the room and immediately go to her desk, she puts her hands over her face and signs loudly.

I walk over to her and sit close to her, "What's wrong babe." I said softly putting my hand on her back.

She looks up at me, "I'm so exhausted." She turns and i wrap my arms around her.

I kiss her cheek, "Are you okay." I ask skeptically.

She nods and kisses my forehead, "Yea.. I'm okay baby. I love you." She whispers.

I close my eyes, "I love you too." The bell rings and i go to my desk.

I shoot her a wink and she smiles. I see Annabelle walk in. She sits "What's got you so happy?" She looks at me and back at Emily.

"It's here isn't it." I nod.

"But also my sister is back." She looks confused.

"Remember what I told you about Kate." She nods, "Yes she's living with us and I'm happy to have her back."

"Didn't she used to date Emily. What happened with that." I smile and look towards Emily.

I look back at her, "They cleared the air as soon as we both got to my house Kate was there and she talked to Emily about what happened." I look down and back up, "They're on great terms and both of them have no hard feelings. Kate is happy that I'm dating her." I smile. My sister means everything to me.

"Well.. shit." She said rather loudly.

"Annabelle, don't interrupt class or you'll go to the principal." Emily said in her hot teacher voice.

I close my eyes trying not to think about inappropriate things.

I look at Annabelle and smile discreetly.

We start our exams and i think i might do well on them.

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