Chapter 49.

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We are driving to the school and mom suddenly speaks up. "I remember when Peyton told me she had feelings for Emily and she was always trying to chase her." I laugh at the memory.

"Wait how way Emily when y'all met." Kate asked solemnity.

"She was harsh at first, people at school called her the ice queen because she was so closed off and she never smiled until one day I saw her at Starbucks and we talked." I said softly. Knowing Kate is probably going to blame herself.

Kate has this look, i know that look, "No Kaitlyn don't blame yourself please." I shake my head. She signs.

"Okay.. i won't." She says hesitantly.

We reached the school.

"Are you ready." Mom asked me.

I nod, "I've been ready." Without saying anything else i go inside and locate Annabelle.

I see her with Tyler and Olivia.

I run up to them, "Hey are y'all ready to graduate."

"Nope." All of them say in unison. I laugh. We continue to talk and i look around to find Emily anywhere.

"She's over there by the stage." I look over at her and the sight takes my breath away.

She's wearing a dark red dress, it's off the shoulder. Her hair is curled with a side part. She absolutely looks amazing. I guess she could feel someone staring at her because she looks up until she finds my gaze. She looks over my outfit but she can only see the gown. I see her send me a wide smile and i instantly send one back.

"Ms. Davis looks hot." Tyler laughs but stops once Olivia glares at her.

"Stop hitting on my girlfriend." I whisper the last part.

"Come on, it should be starting soon." Olivia muttered. We all laughed and sat in our graduation seats. They all are sitting in the back while I'm up front.

Everyone sits down. The parents are in the back and kids are still coming in.

Mom comes out and everyone becomes silent. What I've learned from the time being in this school is that everyone respects my mom. Students also say she's strict at times.

"Hello everyone and welcome to Eastern Bay graduation night. Every student graduating has done excellent this school year. I'm proud of everyone here, who has worked with me personally. As we look back from the freshman who were shy and nervous, until now the seniors who's graduating has came a long way. Growing from the young kid to grow adults. Everyone in this school has came together to make this year awesome for the students. I would love to thank all of our teachers for using their knowledge for young kids and making them who they are today. It has been an honor watching everyone grown and become smarter. I now present you our English teacher, Emily Davis, who will be reading the students names." She closes the speech and every laps.

Everyone becomes quiet again as my amazing girlfriend starts reading off names.

She finally gets to me, "Peyton Carter." I smile as i hear my dad and Kate yelling my name as well as Annabelle, Tyler and Olivia. I go over and hug mom first.

"I'm so proud of you honey."

I smile warmly at her, "I love you mom, thank you." I then walk over to Emily and shake her hand and give her a small hug, not wanting to seem suspicious.

"I'm proud of you baby." She whispers lowly.

I smile, "Thank you." I walk off the stage.

She calls more names, some i really don't care about or know.

"Tyler Raker."

"Go Tyler." I yell clapping my hands. I see his family yelling.

Tyler deserves the world for putting up with my crazy ass for a while.

He sits back down.

"Olivia Salas."

"Yes.. go Livvy!" I scream. I'm embarrassing them. She walks right past me and slaps me on the shoulder. I glare at her while she walks back to her seat.

"And last but not least, Annabelle Zamora."

I clap hard, her family yelling.

"Yes.. Annabelle." I scream her name. As you can see i was real close to Annabelle. She was my best friend. Was always there for me. Whether it was an Emily situation or if she needed to talk to me about anything.

Mom comes back out, "I now conclude the class of 2017 everyone." They all throw their caps up and i catch mine. We a leave our seats. I go over to Annabelle.

"I'm going over to my parents, I'll see you later." She nods and gives me a hug.

"Congratulations pumpkin." Dad smiles and gives me a big hug.

"Can't.. breath." He lets go but still hugs me, "Thank you dad." He lets go and i walk over to Kate.

"Congrats baby sis." Kate smiles proudly at me.

"Thank you Kate." I pull her in for a hug. This hug is everything i need to know.

"I'm going over to mom." She nods and i walk over to her.

"Hey, mom." I smile towards her. In the corner of my eye i see Emily.

She turns around to hug me tightly, "I'm proud of you honey, i love you."

"I love you too mom, now I'm going over to Emily." She nods and gives me a smile.

I walk over to my beautiful girlfriend, giving us some space.

"Hi." I breath out.

"Hey.. I'm proud of you baby." I smile widely at her. I love when she calls me baby.

"Thank you, love." I look around, "Meet me in dad's car when you're finished." She nods and i see Tyler and Olivia.

I hug both of them, "Congrats guys. We're never breaking up this friendship." I laugh but meaning everything.

"Yes we are." Annabelle says from behind me.

I look over towards Emily saying go outside. She nods and i excuse myself.

I unlock dad's car and go in as i see Emily approach me. She gets in and thank god the windows are tinted.

I pull her in for a kiss. "I love you so much and I'm glad you're my girlfriend. Your everything to me and i can't wait to see where this journey with us ends up." I tear up because she's my everything, the love of my life. The perfect person for me.

"I love you too. So fucking much baby. This is a look at our future. Wherever you go I'll always follow you." She smiles.

"What.. you mean that." She nods.

"Yes. Baby, i was real stupid to say all those things and try to break us up. We're meant to be together." I smile as i kissed her. Pouring out all of our love for one another. I pull back.

"God I'm so in love with you."

She winks, "And I'm so in love with you also."

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