Chapter 15.

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Once we both parted ways i drive back home with a smile on my face.

I park my car in the garage and head inside through the back way. I open up the door and go downstairs to the kitchen. I see mom and dad both at the table.

Once they see me mom instantly asks "What's got you smiling like that."

I blush and shook my head. "Nothing." I don't want to say so i change the topic. "When did they leave." I grab a bottle water out the fridge and sit at the table with them.

"Nope you're not changing the topic so why are you smiling like that." She asked amusingly.

"Fine me and Emily ran into each other again and i apologize for what i said and then we got each other's number." I shrugged nochentaly acting like it's not a big deal but I'm screaming inside.

"Who is this Emily." Dad said.

I looked at mom to see if i could say she gave me a light nod.

"Dad she's my English teacher and i have a crush on her she doesn't know." I said turning my gaze to my father.

"Peyton why are you doing after a teacher."

"Please don't... There is this feeling with her that i can't explain. I get so comfortable with talking to her." I mumbled

"Okay so back to what you and Emily did. Wow I'm surprised that happened." Mom turned back to me

"Me too i thought she wasn't going to or just yell at me but whenever she's around me some of her guards go down and sometimes i can see the real her."

Before mom could reply i got a text. I pulled it out of my back pocket and looked who texted me.

I had a good time tonight thank you for cheering me up. See you at school Monday. ~Emily

I quickly replied It was no problem really, I'm glad i did. See you Monday.

I smile at her next reply. I look up to see mom and dad both staring at me with amused faces.

"What." I shook my head at them.

"Nothing." The both of them said at the same time.

I looked at them and said, "I'm heading upstairs for the night, love you both."

They both yelled goodnight as i head upstairs. I go to my room and immediately take a hot shower. I let the water run over my body.

I don't know if we should have a conversation about each other's past or do i just wait until she wants to open up.

I get out and dry off. I go in my drawer and pick out a pair of shorts and a tank top.

I get on my phone for a little. I turn over to let sleep take over.

It was Monday morning, my alarm clock went off. I got up and took a shower. Feeling the water on my body i think about the encounter me and Emily is going to have in school or after class. I want to kiss her again just to feel her lips against mine.

I shook that thought away. I get out and pick my signature outfit. I throw on my jean jacket with my wallet and my phone in my hand. I head downstairs to see both of my parents gone. I open up the fridge to get a bottle of water.

I sit on the couch and watch The Vampire Diaries until it's time for me to leave.

I turn off the TV and lock the door behind me. I open the garage and today I'll take my silver Range Rover, i drive to school. I enter the school's parking lot and park my car next to mom's.

I enter the school building looking for Annabelle. I see her over by her locker.

"Hey Anna." I said hitting her playfully.

"Wassup girl." She looked at me and smirked. "What's got you happy this morning." She playfully glared at me

I cleared my throat, "Nothing i just can't be happy."

"Miss teacher got you all happy." She said ignoring what i just said.

I blushed and looked away.

"Ha i knew it your totally whipped."

"Shut up no I'm not." I hit her. The bell rung. "Come on let's both go to class."

We both went out separate ways. We had tests in both my first and second class.

The bell rings and it's time to see Ms. Davis.

I enter the classroom and sit at my seat.

"I see your here early." Annabelle laughed

"Can you shut up." I rolled my eyes at her.

Ms. Davis enters the classroom. I look up at her and see she's in a navy blue dress. It reaches to her mid thigh, with a slit at the end. She has her hair curled today and black heels. She looks amazing.

"Close your mouth your drooling." She whispered in my ear.

I felt embarrassed for staring but i can't help it.

She makes butterflies in my stomach. She makes my heart rate speed up. She makes me stutter and blush a lot. But she makes me feel different things that no one else has made me feel.

Wait but what is this feeling?

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