Chapter 21.

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Emily's POV

I want to avoid Peyton right now, but i don't know if i can. I'm falling so hard for her and it scares the hell out of me.

I've only felt like this from one person and she betrayed my trust.

Also i think the whole Kate story has more to it than i believe. Is it really anything more or am I just being paranoid about it. I was really shocked and surprised to say the least, that Kate is Peyton's sister.

Peyton said they didn't have the same dad, so that's why they have different last names.

Kate was my everything, until i found out she cheated on me, then she just disappeared without saying anything, not even to Maria. I still hate her.

If these feelings for Peyton get stronger i don't know how much longer I can avoid it.

I'm trying so hard to and not think about her in ways i shouldn't.


Peyton's POV

I text Annabelle asking her if she wanted to hang out which she replied she would.

I got dressed in a black tank top a jean jacket and black rip jeans with vans.

While i finish up i hear a car horn.

I grab my phone and wallet and head out the door.

I got in her car and she drove off. "Hey bitch it feels like we haven't seen each other in a while." I laugh

"I know it's been real chaotic lately." I groan. "Where are we going."

"We're going for a little drive." I nodded my head. "What's been going on." She kept her eyes on the road.

"A lot actually." I sign. "Please promise me you won't tell anyone this."

"I promise, now tell me girl." She insisted

"Alright well me and Emily or Ms. Davis kissed again-" she cut me off before i could even continue.

"Again girl damn, i mean she is hot." She yelled.

"Shut up." I slapped her arm and laughed. "Anyways i kissed her again and she opened up to me about her past." I took a deep breath.

"Why does it look like what your about to tell me is really fucked up." I mean she has a point.

"Because it is." She nodded her head so i continue. "So a big part was her ex-girlfriend."

"Go on."

"Well her ex-girlfriend's name was Kate which i asked her what does she look like because the name sounds oddly familiar and i know someone who went to the same college as her." I took a deep breath. "Anyways she told me what she looked like and i had fuck to which she yelled and said what, so i told her that was my sister she dated."

The car swerved and Annabelle looked at me shocked. "What the fuck so your saying your sister dated Ms. Davis." I nodded my head. "And that's not even the worst part."

"Girl go ahead."

"So she said no and we both said her full name, my sister's full name is Kaitlyn Amber Brown."

"Wait do y'all have different dad's." I nodded my head. "Damn that's fucked and you didn't know until just recently."

"Nope because Kate always brought home Maria which is Emily's cousin."

"Damn that's crazy."

"Tell me about it and Emily doesn't know the real reason Kate left but Kate told me." I shook my head.

"Wait can i know." She looked at me.

"Not yet i have to figure something out then I'll tell you."

"Alright, now let's get out the car and go bowling." She laughs and i join her.

We walk in the door and Annabelle pays for the both of us. We play one round. I got us a pizza. I won and we leave.

She starts driving and asks. "Is it okay if I ask if i can know the reason Kate left."

I thought about it and i guess i can tell her.

"Yes but don't interrupt me and promise not to say anything to anyone, and don't look at Emily any differently." I said sternly i can't have a lot of people knowing.

"Yes i promise." I nodded

"Okay so one day i found out that Maria wasn't Kate's real girlfriend, but Kate never told me her name. Emily's parents aren't accepting of people that are gay. So her parents found out that Kate was dating their daughter, Emily's parents paid her to disappear and never contact anyone, Kate told me before she left and i couldn't say a word." I took a deep breath looking out the window. "Maria told us that she couldn't get ahold of Kate and i lied saying maybe she went back to college. I knew what happened but i didn't know where she went so everyone thought i should call her, i did but her phone was disconnected. I eventually told my dad what happened. And then everything went downhill from there." I took another deep breath and looked at Annabelle.

She just kept looking ahead but her grip on the steering wheel was tight, her knuckles were turning white.

"Wow... I don't know what to say.." She finally said.

"I know, and Emily doesn't know so i had to lie when she told me, apparently Maria doesn't know what happened either, but before she left she found out Kate was cheating on her so she had left, and Emily never heard about Kate ever since." I explained.

"That's a lot of shit." She still looks shocked.

"I know tell me about it. I don't know if I should tell Emily. She deserves to know the truth but i can't be the one to tell her."

She looks at me then back at the road. "Whatever you want to do I'll stand by you."

"Thanks your a great friend."

"I know." And she flicked her hair back. "Let me get you back home."

"I had a fun time, we should really start hanging out more, maybe next time Olivia and Tyler can come with us."

"Yea that would be great." We fell into a comfortable silence.

She parked her car next to my house.

"I'll see you soon." I said as i got out the car.

"And I'll call you later." I nodded my head and waved by. I noticed mom's and dad's car both here. I walked to the front and opened the door.

I take off my shoes and go to the kitchen as I'm walking I noticed a person. I turn and look.

"Emily, what are you doing here?" I say shocked.

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