Chapter 27.

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We start eating and I'm sitting in a daze. I think back to everything this woman has told me, she is amazing especially after being hurt all the time that she keeps her head high.

"You know i admire you, you are a strong independent woman that has been hurt but you don't show it. You keep boundaries that protect you. You're honestly amazing." I put my food down and tell her sincerely.

She puts her food down as well. "Why? I'm a mess, i have guards up so i don't get hurt anymore than i was, people refer me as the 'ice queen'." She shakes her head.

"See that's where you're wrong. Your not a mess, you're just a person who needs to be loved, a person who needs to be reminded that not a lot of people are here to hurt or betray you even more. I respect you, the thing is your not afraid to stand up for yourself. That's the person i admire."

She looks at me for a while. Taking in everything i said. I admire her for her personality, her beauty, her different traits. She's nothing but perfect in my eyes.

"I... Thank you, i mean... It's not common for someone to say that to me. But I'm proud of you also." She stammers but quickly recovers.

I smile at her.

I say something really random but it's been in my head. "I'm not mad at Kate." I blurted out. I don't know where that came from.

She looks at me. "What?"

I clear my throat. "I said I'm not mad at Kate, i know she had her reasons for leaving, but I'm not mad at her for leaving me with our crazy ass mother."

This got a laugh out of her. "I mean i can see why your not, but i don't know what i feel."

"I always think how she's just going to show up again, seeing my big sister again will honestly make me happy. I miss her. I miss talking to her, having late night conversations. Just talking to her in general. I just miss her company. Can my sister come back." I think out loud and groan.

Emily looks at me sympathetically. She reaches over to me and wipes the tears that's fallen. I don't even realize.

I close my eyes. "I can't be mad at her. I want to but if i end up seeing her again I'll just want to jump in her arms to feel protected by my big sister." I feel more tears roll down. Ugh i hate Emily seeing me vulnerable in front of her.

"Babe come here." Emily tells me softly. I climb in her lap and throw my arms around her. She pulls me in and just holds me. This is what I needed. She's letting me know i can always come to her if i need to. She makes me feel safe and I'm happy she does. I feel myself drift off to sleep.

I close my eyes and before i sleep I hear a whisper. "I'll always be here for you love, no matter what." I smile and instantly goes to sleep.

I wake up rub my eyes.

I open my eyes and take in my surroundings. I'm in Emily's bedroom. It smells like her, jasmine and vanilla. I look over to her clock. 7:30 okay it's getting late i should head back home but i really don't want to.

I look around her room, i see a huge closet, probably a walk in closet. She has a vanity to the right of her room.

She has a big king size bed. Her room is huge and to the left is a bathroom.

I don't want to snoop so instead i walk downstairs to wear i see Emily sitting on the stool next to her kitchen.

She turns around as she hears my footsteps "Hey your up." She says as she smiles at me. I love her smile. I instantly smile at her and i give her a kiss.

She breaks away first, panting for air. "Not that i don't mind but what was that for." I shrug. "Just thought you could use a kiss plus i love you."

She smiles widely at that. "I love you too." She pulls me back for another kiss, and i smile through it.

She makes me feel all happy inside and i can tell i do the same for her. I pull away and laugh.

"What?" She questions as i lean against her.

"Nothing." I smile and get up to get me some water.

"Where are you doing." She says with a pout.

I chuckle "I'm getting some water." She cute when she pouts.

"Do i have to go." I question her as i drink my water.

She nods her head. "Yes you do, we have school and did you do the assignment i assigned." She says in her teacher voice and that instantly turns me on but i won't show the satisfaction.

"Yes i did, for your information." I try to act all bossy but it doesn't work. She sees right through me which i despise sometimes.

"Good now go get your shoes so i can drive you home." She smirks.

I roll my eyes, "Ugh fine." I mumble.

"Don't you dare roll your eyes at me." She says sternly which makes a pooling in my panties.

Ugh what is she doing to me. I'm turned on now. I grab my phone as she grabs her car keys that goes to her Range Rover. We climb in and she turns the car on and drives back to my house.

"I really had a great time. It was really nice. Hope we can do it again."

She smiles at me. "Definitely babe. I'm glad you had a good time because i did also."

I didn't want this to end but we have school tomorrow.

She better not tease me with her outfits tomorrow.

I smirk at the thought. We approach my house. She parks the car.

"Have a good night babe." I tell her as i lean in for a kiss.

"You too, baby." She tells me back.

I get out of her car and glance back at her. I smile and watch her leave. I open the front door and go inside.

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