
Start from the beginning

All of them walked towards me with big steps. I tightly grabbed Adi's arm and hide behind his back, peaking from the side. Adi held my arm and made me stand by his side. "You! How dare you!?" father yelled pointing his finger at me. I tightly held Adi's arm, shaking hearing father's voice full of wrath. "I didn't know you could stoop so low after getting married to a rich man." What is he talking about? "You backstabbed your own parents after seeing some money and luxuries." mother this time yelled. "Did you forget we were the ones who had raised and fed you!?" They are saying as if they treated me with love and raised me with affection. Did they forget that they used to make me starve for simple mistakes and never really cared about raising me!

"Don't you know we were the ones who had gotten you married to this Malhotra. We were the ones who had given you this luxurious life you are living!" I was trembling very badly hearing their booming voice. "You back stabbed your own parents! We told you not to tell anyone but you still did! And not only that you even made this Malhotra fall in your trap and made him ruin us!" Why am I being blamed for something that I don't even know of. "What..are you talking..about?" I managed to say. "Don't try to act stupid! You know what you did! You told this Malhotra about your past and told him to drown our business! Because of you no one in the market wants to work with us! Because of you we lost all of our stocks! Because of you we lost our business!" father yelled. Lost their business? I don't even know anything about this and they are blaming me.

Father raised his hand to slap me and I tightly closed my eyes, waiting for the pain on my cheek. But then a few seconds passed and I still didn't feel anything. So I slowly opened my eyes and saw father's hand stopped in the air by another hand. I looked over and saw Adi holding father's hand and not allowing it to hit me. Adi was holding it strongly and threw it back. "Don't you dare touch my wife or else I'll forget about your age and do something which you'll regret!" Adi yelled gritting his teeth.

"You shouldn't even be supporting her! You should've divorced her the day you married her. You don't know how big of a bad omen she is." mother spit with venom. "She isn't the bad omen, you are! And you have no right to yell at her for something she didn't do! She didn't tell me anything about you guys. I had set up an agent and found out myself. And only then she told me. She never told me to harm you guys or your business. She still doesn't hate you after whatever you did! I was the one who spread rumors about you in the market which made you lose your stocks. And I did all that for justice for my wife!"

Everyone was looking at Adi, shocked. But the most shocked was me. I didn't know Adi was even doing anything after I had told him about my past. I thought we had left that topic and moved on. A week had past and no one talked about it until today. He loves me so much that he did this for me! For my justice!

"I know mom and dad that you must be wondering what they all did. Let me tell you what crime they have done." I looked up at Adi and shook sideways lightly my head but he nodded. "They used to abuse Maya and make her work like a slave at home!" Both mumma and papa gasped. "Not only that, they would make her starve for some little mistakes! They never treated her like their daughter but they treated her like a free slave!" I looked up at mother and father and saw them staring at me with hate.

"I would've made you fully broke and brought you to the streets but I didn't. And that's because of Maya. I know she couldn't have seen you on the roads and would've felt pity and even guilty for something that isn't her fault. That's how she is. Innocent and pure. But you used this innocence! The only thing I'm thankful for from you guys is marrying Maya off to me. I have never seen someone so disgusting as you guys! You guys are still standing here with you heads up high. If it was someone else they would've died of shame! How could you even do something like that to your own daughter!?" Adi yelled.

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