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Damon would never admit it to anyone. But being alone scared him.

Sitting in that same chair with the same thoughts swimming around his head, with the same view of the exposed brick, kitchen wall and the same yearning feelings for something, anything.....anyone.

His emotions may have been numbed but his mind was far from 'free'. He was ravenous, but not for the usual allure of human blood. But for something to stimulate his mind.

He always had a tendency to drive others away and isolate himself from the world, he did it to not only keep people at an arms length but to also alienate his own self loathing. The less he was around people, the less people he could hurt, or tarnish.

But being alone with his thoughts and his self-hate was equally as damaging, there was just less casualties.

So when he woke up from yet another vervain, induced nap. His bleary eyes were secretly pleased to see a female figure sitting across from him. She was propped nonchalantly, against the wall- slouching backwards on a kitchen stool.

Her long dark hair was familiar but as she slowly came into focus Damon was baffled to realise who he was looking at.

It was the face of Elena Gilbert.

But the evil smirk and cold, calculated eyes told him who it really was.

It was Katherine Pierce.

"So this is what Hell looks like?.....Cosy." He muttered bitterly, completely convinced that he had been staked to death in his sleep.

Had Stefan really let him die? Or worse......had Nancy?

"Please compared to hell, this shit hole town is like fucking Paris." Katherine sneered back, a long dagger dangling between her finger tips.

"I know I must be dead Kit Kat, so save the mind manipulation bullshit and just skip to the torture.......I should have known you'd be my assigned demon." He taunted her back with equal venom.

"You honestly think that Saint Stefan or Nancy the Nun staked you? God you're stupider then you look." Katherine mocked. "And here I thought you and Stefan were all chummy again." He sarcastically rolled his eyes.

"I want her dead and I want you and your little brother to watch.......I'm gonna kill her and this town Damon....gonna blow them both off the fucking map." She looked him dead in the face as she spoke slowly and sharply.

His cocky facade suddenly dropped. And his emotions clawed at his mind to be allowed back in.

Worry, regret, fear, anger........love?

He tried pushing it down, but suddenly it burst out.

"How the hell are you even here Katherine?!" He could feel his switch teetering on the edge of being on. "Wouldn't you love to know?" She taunted and he rolled his eyes. "What you just reading from the villain's handbook now?" He mocked and she scoffed a laugh.

"Do you seriously think you're in a position to mock me right now Damon?......you're tied to a goddamn chair." She snapped and he just chuckled. "I don't care Katherine, why don't you come untie me and I'll show you how serious I am."

"I'm here for a reason Damon, don't make me change my plans to accommodate murdering you too.....my Callander is already full booked."
"Glad to know hell finally gave you a social life.....now run along KitKat, I've got wallowing to do." He swatted his head towards the door with a 'piss off please' look on his face.

"Now why would I do that......when I could do this?"

And just like that.....he was free from his bonds to the chair.

And all hell was about to break loose.


"So your dad, killed Emma's grandfather way back in the enchanted forest when he was an evil, emotionless pirate when he'd lost you and Neverland, he told David- then he freaked out about something and now he's disappeared with Captain Nemo and isn't returning your calls?"
"Exactly." Nancy clarified with a nod at Stefan who shuck his head with a chuckle as he stood up from his bike project and looked at the ex-pirate quizzically.

"What did David say to you?" He asked. "He said he didn't fight with my dad- yes he was hurt but it was in the past and he's changed.......so neither of us know why my dad's gone MIA." She sighed and he shuck his head again dusting off his jeans and throwing his grease rag over his shoulder.

His arms were covered in motor oil up to his elbows and his bare, shirtless chest was patterned every where with black marks and small scratches. The sounds of the busy, small town mechanics shop were somewhat drowned out by the two's conversation in their own little world while Nancy began to remove her green over shirt.

She threw it over onto the work bench before she pulled her hair up into a loose pony tail and bent down to start helping him adjust the wheels.

"And now with Katherine and the Dark Fairy running around with Gideon.......it's all going to go to shit again." She grumbled and he nodded solemnly. "Caroline said the same thing last night- but like I told her Nance....we gotta just role with the punches."

"I know stef.....but what if someone else dies again......what if someone gets hurt or if-."
"You can't think like that.....and you don't need to always be worrying about your dad.....he's a grown man, if he's disappeared he's probably on a guilt bender.....I should know- I have them a lot." He advised and she calmed slightly under his gaze.

"You're a good guy stef."
"Thanks Nance."

"Now why don't we finish this bike.....then we can go look for the evil doppelgänger slut." Stefan joked and she relaxed into a laugh. "Sounds like a good plan."

"Pass me a wrench?"
"You got it."

And like that the two settled into their friendly ambiguity towards the current chaos outside their little bubble.

Like in the Fairytales. (OUAT x TVD) (Damon x OC.)Where stories live. Discover now