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The town was as unfamiliar to Damon as it had been for Nancy.

He knew nothing and no one and so he wandered aimlessly down the quaint, little streets and ran over the day's events in his mind. The same book he had been holding earlier that day still clutched between his fingers.

He passed a sheriff's station, a dinner, a town hall and a pawn shop all on his way around.

Until he reached a cemetery. There he walked between the rows of graves and felt at peace amongst the forever-sleeping dead. He felt calm and collected like his whole world hadn't just imploded in on him.

Like he hadn't just told Nancy he loved her and then watched as she ran.

He knew he meant it more then as friends but he was happy to think she believed it be platonic. Because a part of him still loved Elena....or at least the idea of Elena, just as he had the image of Katherine.

"You seem lost." A voice spoke from the darkness after a while. Damon leaned away from the family tomb's wall he's been leaning on that read 'Mills' and looked to find a man emerging from the shadows.

He was older with dark greying hair and a walking stick. The man was dressed well in a sleek black suit and his black cane. His accent was smooth yet slightly layered with mystery of Scottish sounding origin.

"I am." He admitted to the stranger. "You're not from here." The man observed. "I came for a friend."
"The pirates' daughter." The man guessed and Damon nodded. "You know Nancy?"

"No. But I know of her."
"Who are you?" Damon asked and the man gave a moments thought. "I'm known by three names here.....Mr Gold, Rumplestiltskin and The dark one......so take your pick."

"I'm good with Old Creepy guy." The Salvatore remarked and the man chuckled. "Be careful young man.....this town can be dangerous for those who don't belong."

"I'll keep it in mind." Damon replied sarcastically before the man suddenly disappeared in a cloud of green smoke.

"Weirdo." He muttered and then he continued to wonder.

Coming across a grave that read "Hero- Neil/Baelfire." And he suddenly recognised the older name.

He had been Nancy's friend.

And he was dead.


The next day. Nancy met up with Stefan, Bonnie and Enzo at Granny's where she introduced them to some of the townsfolk who she had gotten to know. But there was no Damon much to her joy.

Stefan knew he should head back for Caroline's sake and Bonnie did too and even Enzo seemed inclined to follow the witch- while Damon, was for all intents and purposes missing in action.

"Your brother's missing." Bonnie spoke as she returned to the table from calling Damon's unanswered phone- yet again.

"Probably lost." Stefan spoke with little to no concern for his hotheaded, Impulsive reck of a brother.

"Or drunk." Bonnie added.
"Or both." Nancy concluded and they all shared a moments laughter. "He's really not been the same since Elena." Stefan said after a minute.

"Tell me about it." Nancy sighed and the younger Salvatore gave her a look.

Katherine's compulsion, all those years ago, had changed his brother. It had made him suppress his love for Nancy, but not forget it.

And now that he had his memories back he was desperate to see their true feelings re-emerge. Even if neither of them could remember still.

Nancy's face was one of a dazed and distant look as she watched David and Snow (who had been released from the hospital that morning) carry in boxes of decorations for their little party that was happening that afternoon as a sort of celebration for the new prince.

"You alright nance?" Stefan asked her, his voice sounding dulled by the ring of the door bell that chimed when the door behind her opened and closed again.

Stefan didn't notice who walked in, but Bonnie did.

"Yeah i'm fine.....just thinking." The girl muffled a reply as she sipped her coffee. "When are you guys leaving?" She suddenly asked after staring into the mug for a minute.

"I don't know....why?" He replied and she shrugged. "I missed you guys.....but you're needed back home.....especially by Ric and Care and Matt." She reminded them and Bonnie and the Stefan gave a nod each while Enzo lounged back in the booth.

"Want us gone so fast?" He pondered and she shot him a joking glare. "No.....I just don't want you wasting time staying with me, I'm fine." She assured them. But they weren't convinced. "Look- Julian is dead and for all we know- no one is coming after me so you can go back home."

Never before had she been quiet, withdrawn or lost in thought. Nancy was enigmatic and loud- even if she had her silent moments- they still had meaning and were followed by outpours of her lively opinions. But here she was, quiet and colourless. Dull even.

"You aren't yourself Nance." Stefan replied and she looked to him. "Stef, I'm the big sister in our relationship, I'm the older one- I'm the one who looks out for you......you don't have to worry for me." She sighed and he nodded but didn't agree.

Before the boy could talk however a hand on his shoulder alerted him to someone's presence. "Everything alright with you kids?" It was David.

He stood there with the baby on his hip and a soft smile on his face. His dimples and the little scar on his jaw protruding when he smiled.

"Yeah thanks David." She smiled.
"Nancy, you mind keeping an eye on Henry? Regina asked us to watch him till she got here but we've got head home and put the baby down for his nap before the party later?"

"Sure." She replied with a shrug and the prince smiled at her. He had come to trust the girl and like her as a friend in the time he had known her. Seeing her genuine connection with Emma and her care with Henry like a big-sister.

"He's at the counter." David motioned to his grandson before he and Snow gave Nancy and her friends smiles then left with their hands conjoined and the baby in his mother's arms.

"You're babysitting now?" Bonnie mused as she watched many glance at the young boy reading his favourite book at the coffee counter. "He's a good kid.....reminds me of you." She spoke softly shooting Stefan a nod in a nostalgic way.

He chuckled, "you always were good company."
"Better then Gueseppe and Damon." She joked and he laughed again. "Much."

"Well I'm gonna go check on the kid. You guys should probably go find the missing moron." She said after a quiet moment. Her eyes flickered to Henry then they were back on her friends.

"Tell Care and Ric and Matt I'm thinking about them." She then said then she- rather out of character- threw herself at Stefan for a hug.

"Be good to care."
"I will." He assured. Then they parted ways at the dinner's door.

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