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Golden sunlight swam over the old thatched roof of the little wood-side cottage

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Golden sunlight swam over the old thatched roof of the little wood-side cottage. With it's open windows slowly swaying in the gentle wind, off of their latches and the summer breeze floating in and out of the cottage.

Brilliant green foliage was dotted around the clearing, bathed in the warm glow of the afternoon as little birds sang happily around the property, disguised in trees.

The sound of children's footsteps and excited giggles filled the quiet, remote air of the natural cornucopia, that was the small secluded meadow.

Two little girls, one with hair as fair as feathers and as gold bright as the sun beating down on her little head- and the other with dark braids, shining in the light like chocolate melting over her strawberry cheeks and running down her little shoulders. They held hands, their matching pink and purple dresses swishing around their knees as they hopped over tree stumps a nod fallen logs.

Their laughter echoed off of the surrounding trees and reverberated around the clearing like sweet birds song. The melody carried all the way back to the three other children who followed after the first two.

Three boys. One considerably taller and older, a middle one grasping the smallest's hand.

"Josie! Lizzie! Slow down!" The older boy called, his teenage voice now lowered considerably since the days of his childhood.

On his back he carried his school bag to match with his uniform while the second boy had his own.

"Come on Henwey, Auntie Nancy won't want us to be late!" The brunette little girl called back. The second boy looked up to the first and received a precariously placed nod, taking it as permission to scoop up the final little boy and start chasing after the girls.

Reaching the door of the cottage first the little blonde girl reached up with some difficulty and managed to open the door with a victorious creak of the antique wood.

Within the home, a long hallway was plastered with photos spanning decades of the residents memories. Trailing back all the way to the late 1800s all the way back to the modern day. Birthdays, Christmases, weddings and christenings and every event in between.

A map of one young woman's life throughout the last 155 or so years.

The five children eventually all reunited in the corridor of the home and dropped their respective bags and/or shoes by the door. All of them trooping through the wooden hallway towards the back of the house, following the intoxicating sent of chocolate.

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