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The plan was simple. While Damon and Nancy headed out to find someone to feed on and compel so they didn't starve, Emma and Killian would head towards the docks and intercept Snow White to convince her somehow to steal David's ring. Then, they were all to meet in the forest at night fall  by Midas' castle at a specific rendezvous point they had decided on.

After parting ways, the two vampires quickly found their dinner and once they'd covered their tracks with some compulsion, they made their way back through the forest towards the meeting point across one of the dirt roads. The moon was just filling the sky high and full, casting silvery shadows over the land as the two moved between the trees and along the winding road. Nancy walked beside Damon with her hands in her pockets and her eyes scouring the forest for possible dangers. Damon walked with her silently as they followed the map Rumplestiltskin hnad given them of the land. However, the sound of a carriage coming from behind alerted them to someone coming and the two stopped and moved to the side of he road.

"It's the Queen." Damon whispered as he pulled Nancy to the side of the road and  just as they ducked out of the rod and behind a tree, they were spotted, having not vamp sped so they didn't waste energy. The one black guard that ad noticed them, yelled out. "Halt! Who goes there?!" and the carriage stopped abruptly as the guards moved to surround the two and Damon grasped Nancy's hand hard, in his own. "Show yourselves! Who are you?" A guard snapped his sword trained on them as Damon moved Nancy behind him and they moved slowly out from behind the tree. Nancy huffed at him as she rolled her eyes- he knew damn well she didn't neeed a sheild. "Nobody sir." She replied calmly from behind, playing dumb as she realsised the queen in this time was nutoriously merciless and cruel to those she feeled had wronged her.

Regina came out of her carriage her long black hair in a high ponytail down her back under a satin red hat while she wore a low cut red cap-like top and black shiny riding trousers. She was shrouded in a dark cloud of tension and dangerous energy. She stared the two down, her sharpened brows warningly furrowe and her brown eyes like slits as her lips remained poised. "What is a young couple doing on a dirt road so late?....well? speak! I am your queen and I demand to know your comings and goings on this road?" she demanded cool, yet clearly furiuously impatient. "We are heading to meet my parents your heighness." Nancy gave the vauge reply as she polietly and conformingly bowed for Regina. "And where might that be?" Regina snapped as the pair stood calmly watching her.
"Near the roads end." Damon replied, ".....your heighness." he spoke through gritted teeth- Damon Savatore hated titles.

"Have either of you seen the bandit Snow White in these woods?" she bluntly asked and the two immedeatley shuck their heads. "No we're only coming from the market your heighness."
"The Market?" Regina mockingly repeated with a quizzical glance as the two who lacked any form of bought produce. The two nodded at her basic question and she gave a underterminble sound from the back of her throat. "And you saw nothing in the woods?"
"No." Damon replied.
"All do reespect your heighness, we have to meet my parents before we head to the ball at Midas' castle and I don't think appearing in these rags will be very well recieved."Nancy coolly spoke to the queen who's face loosened. "You're attending the ball?"
"Yes." Nancy lied and Damon continued to stare at her in worried shock.

"Well I'll see you both there...." she awaited their names.
"Princess Caroline"/"Prince Stefan." the two picked up on her waiting and spoke a fake name each in-sync.
"Stefan, Caroline." the woman hissed before she and her guards slithered back to their carriage and the two were alone again.

Even as an immortal, blood-drinking vampire- nothing had ever made her more tense.....and Nancy had died, faced Katherine, the originals, hunters, silas, witches and heretics....yet Regina struck fear like no other.

"Stefan? really?" she snapped at him and he went wide eyed as they resumed their walk.
"Caroline? Really?" he retorted mockingly and she glared.
"Why did you say we were attending the ball?" he asked and she shrugged.
"I Didn't know what else to say to make her let us go." she replied and he shuck his head. "nice going princess." he mocked and she groaned.
"Shut up! come on." She said and he sighed.
"It suits you."

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