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"Lukey.. Luke kitten, it's time to wake up." Michael cooed, poking Luke's cheek repeatedly. "Mmmmgh...huh?" Luke snorted a little, squinting his eyes open just to be greeted by Michael's jade green eyes. Luke rambled a good morning rather cutely, in a babyish tone, and gripped onto his-Michael's blanket that's wrapped around him.

"C'mon Lukey out of bed, I have work today and Calum's going to come teach you while I'm at work." Michael whispered, combing Luke's matted hair with his fingers. Still sleepy. Luke thought, blindly wrapping his blanket-covered arms around Michael's naked torso. Michael let out a laugh as he let Luke cuddle up to him.

Man, it's hard to resist the bloke.

Michael smiled softly at Luke, pressing a kiss onto his warm cheek and rubbing his thumb on the other. "Gotta get up soon, baby kitten." Michael said, burrying his face onto Luke's hair and Luke smiled snuggling deeper into Michael. Michael breathed out a chuckle, knowing that their cuddles usually end till the end of the day so he had to end it before they both got too comfortable.

Michael untangled himself from Luke and pulled the blanket off of him. "Nuuuuh.... Mikey!" Luke whined, shivering against the cold air the room gave. "I'm gonna run you a bath alright? And if you're still not out of bed by then, I'm gonna get ya!" Michael warned in a silly tone, walking to the bathroom while wiggling his hips. Luke giggled, pretending to fall back asleep. Moments later, Michael came in and looked at the hybrid with his hands on his hips.

"Luke Hemmings, I have asked you nicely but now I have to use full force on you!" Michael said playfully, mocking a mom's voice, and then Luke giggled, revealing that he wasn't really sleeping. Michael laughed, pulling the blanket off of Luke. Luke squealed and laughed as Michael made him sit up, and pulled off his shirt.

"Luke, come on kitty, you need to get up." Michael chuckled, pulling down Luke's sweatpants. Luke smiled, throwing himself back against the comfy mattress of his-Michael's bed. "Kitty please get up, I need to get you clean and then I have to get myself clean." Michael said, standing up.

He bent down and scooped Luke in his arms, lifting him up bridal style. "Mikey!" Luke exclaimed, breaking into another fit of giggles as Michael carried him to the bathroom. "Time to get cleeeaaan." Michael sing-songed, lowering Luke to the warm bath, who was still in his underwear. He gasped, eyes wide, his arms were around Michael and was clinging onto him as he got lowered onto the water.

"It's okay kitten, I know you don't like water but this is the only way to get you clean. You've been here for like three days, and you haven't even taken a bath since then." Michael said, stiffling a laugh at Luke's frightened face.

"Hmmmmmmph!" Luke huffed and pouted, he was now in the bath and Michael kissed his nose cheekily. He took off Luke's underwear and wrung the water out of them and set it aside. He grabbed the vanilla scented shampoo from the shelf of the tub and started scrubbing it on Luke's hair, then rinsed it with water. Luke whined, hating the fact that he had to stay in the water.

Michael scrubbed his body, with a bath sponge, making Luke squirm around in the water when Michael cleaned his manhood. "Mikey..." Luke grumbled, not wanting to stay in the water any longer. "Yes kitten, hold on." Michael said, scrubbing his sides and under his arms. Luke giggled at the tickling sensation that erupted from the sponge, squirming away from Michael.

"Luke come on, you're not yet finished." Michael laughed, scrubbing Luke's feet. Luke squealed and tried not to move but giggles escaped his mouth. "Okay, you can get out now. Let me get you a towel." Michael said, getting up from his kneeling position and turned around to retrieve a towel from the bathroom's small cabinet. Luke climbed out of the bath, then sat on the side of the tub, dripping and smiling, eagerly wanting to get dry.

Just as Michael turned around, Luke shook himself vigorously, flicking water everywhere. "Luke!" Michael gasped, Luke smiled innocently. "Oh come here you!' Michael said, wrapping the hybrid boy in the white fluffy towel.

Soon enough, Luke was all dry and dressed -a white tank top with a penguin in the middle and black skinnies-, ready for his class with Calum. Luke sat on the couch, as instructed by Michael, and waited for Calum to arrive while Michael was in the shower.

A few moments later, with Luke yawning time to time, Calum knocked on the door and then entered by using the key Ashton gave him. "Oh hi Luke!" Calum greeted, closing the door and removing his coat that was covered with bits of snow. "Colum!" Luke said, surprising Calum. "Hey, you learned how to say my name! Well kind of, it's Ca-lum." he sounded out, "C-ca-cal-lum.. Calum!" Luke said, smiling proudly at himself. "That's right! good job Luke! Where's Mike?" Calum asked.

Calum has the talent when it comes to teaching. So teaching Luke will be as easy as pie and the fact that Luke is a quick learner makes it even more easier.

Luke pointed to the bathroom, "Mikey." Calum nodded and his mouth formed an 'O' shape, "I see, I see. Well have you had breakfast yet?" Calum asked, Luke shook his head as a 'no'. "Well can't teach a hungry pupil! I'll see what I can get you from your kitchen, be right back." Calum said cheerfully, walking off to the kitchen.

"Hey Lukey, how's my fresh and clean kitty?" Michael asked, emerging from the bathroom. His hair was still quite damp and was laying flat on his head but his eyes were still glimmering and bright as usual. He's wearing a simple white tee with his work's logo displayed on it and black skinnies. Luke smiled, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. Luke purred in reply, smiling happily at Michael. "Are you nervous for your lessons today?" Michael asked softly, walking over to Luke and kissed the top of his head. Luke nodded slightly, causing Michael to let out a happy sigh.

"Well if Ash trusts Calum, I trust him alright? You'll do great, kitten, just like always." Michael smiled, "Speaking of Calum, is he here already? I could've sworn I heard him come in." Michael added, looking around. "Cal...um" Luke said, pointing towards the kitchen. "You learned his name, you're improving. Such a smart kitten." Michael praised Luke, leaning down and kissing his forehead before turning to walk to the kitchen.

Calum was looking around for a bowl, he was going to feed Luke cereal because one, it has milk and kittens love milk and two, cereal good. "Hey Calum." Michael greeted, propping his elbows on the counter top and resting his head on his hands. "Hey Mike, got any bowls?" Calum said, "Top cupboard to the left." Michael answered and watched Calum get the bowl and placed it next to the cereal box.

"By the way, Cal, thanks for teaching Luke for me, and you know for like taking care of him already. You are feeding him." Michael chuckled as Calum pour some cheerios in the bowl and then the milk. "Yeah sure mate, and I have this feeling in my gut that we'll all be great friends." Calum said, chuckling as he got a cup from the cup holders and poured some water in it.

Calum's gut feelings were always right.

"Ah, I know how you feel. So anyway, today just teach him the basics okay? I want to actually have a conversation with him and it'll help with us knowing what he wants. Also, it will help us find out about his past." Michael said, "Yeah I get it, I'll do my best and you don't have to say much to me about him, Ash kind of blurted it all out on me." Calum chuckled. "Oh Ash almost forgot. Do not hurt my best friend alright? Hurt him and I don't have to have a second thought on hurting you back twice as hard." Michael warned, making Calum gulp and nod his head.

Michael then smiled, "Calm down mate." he chuckled. Calum nodded, dunking the spoon in the bowl filled with cereal and milk, "So let's go feed your kitten eh?" Calum smirked.


Damn Michael just can't keep his lips off of Luke.

Hey guys I have this idea for another book, it's Muke of course, and I need you guys' consent. Should I continue making it and will you guys read it or nahhh??


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