50. *It's Not What You Think*

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With a slight smirk I said, "Then it becomes my duty to make this actually happen for you."

Maya's P.O.V

'Oh my god! I'm going to ride a horse!' I thought excitedly as I followed Massimo inside the horse stable.

As I looked around I saw different kinds horses, some were brown, some were black, some were a mixture of both. But all of them looked equally beautiful and striking.

Massimo stood in front of a dark brown horse, he patted the horse's face sideways to which the horse made some horsey noise and Massimo continued to caress him.

"This one looks quite friendly with you." I said as I saw how good Massimo was communicating with the horse.

"This one is the oldest but the strongest of them all." He then said while still patting the horse. "His name is Hades."

"Hades as in the greek god hades?" I asked amusingly to which he looked at me with that ya I did name him after a greek god so what! look. I just chuckled at him.

"Do you want to touch him?" He then said to which I looked at him with unsure eyes.

"I um would it be a good idea?" I asked since I have no idea if the horse would like me to touch him.

"Ya ofcourse." He said and then took my hand in his hard yet warm hand. I swear I wanted him to just hold my hand like that and forget about touching that horse.

He brought that hand of mine upwards, closer to the horse, "Hades might look intimidating but he's very friendly." He then put my hand over Hades', "He is also very smart and can sense who's good who's not." With that he started to caress Hades by using my hand.

At that moment, I didn't know if I was feeling the rush of emotions because of caressing a beautiful horse Hades or because of Massimo's hand that was over mine.

"See, he's loving your touch." As Massimo said that he squeezed my hand a bit that made me to look at him.

As we were both caressing the horse, his hand over mine and mine over horse, we held each other's gaze. Massimo's dark brown eyes looking at me intensely, as if he could see into my soul. That look on his face. I involuntarily licked my lips which made his eyes to drop on to them. His lips parted as his gaze then got fixed on my lips.

Holding that moment, we both didn't realise when but we then no longer caressing the horse but his hand was still holding mine. Forgetting about everything else, our bodies turned towards each other and without wasting anytime, the next moment, I felt the same sparks I'd feel everytime we kissed.

My eyes got closed when I realised that we were indeed kissing. Massimo wrapped his one arm around my waist and tucked me towards him to eliminate any gap if there was any.

A moan escaped from both our mouths when he sucked on my bottom lip. While still holding one hand of mine with his, he kissed me passionately.

My other hand on it's own reached upwards and held onto him by his neck gently. The kiss then got deepened when he licked my lips with his tongue and pushed his tongue inside my mouth. A low growl came out of his throat when I accidentally bit on his tongue. He in return sucked on my tongue and bit my lips a little harder.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ