
Evelynn bust through the doors to the training room, her eyes darting to find what she had left behind.

"You forgot something," Marcus pointed to the table she had left them on. Evelynn reached her hands out to the table and grabbed the two books.

"Yes Sorry see you at 11, Marcus" Evelynn drew a smile on her face, as she tucked them underneath her shoulder.

"Don't get to immersed into make believe tales" Marcus clapped his hands to draw attention back to him as the guards turned around to hear what the commotion was.

"I will, watch me" Evelynn chuckled as she closed the door to the training room behind her once more. Evelynn saw Marcus shake his head as he pulled back on a bow, through the window. The guards around him observing his posture and foot placement.

Evelynn calmly walked through the halls trying to remember the route out to the garden. She looked down at her heavy arms and read the oak brown spine of one of the books. Observing the bright blue cursive writing. The thick book was balanced out the weight of the other book in her left hand. The plain navy blue book had gold vine painted on the spine. Evelynn squeezed the spine in her hand. The long thin pages becoming a rock on the tips of her fingers.

In the two books were hundreds of bold letters printed on the pages. They formed two different stories. Evelynn was thrilled to find an Athrolilan fairytale book in the library last night. She remembered jumping like a little girl at the sight of the gold letters, remembering the tales of princesses and princes that her parents once told her. Evelynn without a second thought placed it in her hand. And in the next aisle, she became interested in the Strategies of War by Elilim Storm. She had known of him, a successful war strategist that predicted the moves of Eramada and its territory claim a century before Evelynn's birth. Something she'd wanted to study, intensely.


Evelynn sat underneath the silver maple planted at the corner of the garden. The tall branches rose tall to the sky. The leaves grew outwards providing Evelynn with shade, as she rested on its thick trunk, carefully turning the pages to the book. Immersing herself in childhood fairytales. She closed the book and looked to the clear sky. The blue sky was melting over the castle towers. She'd dreamed of climbing the tallest tree hoping she would one day reach the sky. Knowing that it was a foolish dream of a child. Evelynn watched the branches sway in the cool breeze. Evelynn opened the navy book and placed fallen leaves in between the pages to remind herself of important strategies and comments written by Eilim. She pulled out the dagger in the holder strapped to her thigh. Flipping between her fingers as she continued to read. The blue jewelled silver hilt, reflecting the sunlight onto the pages of the book. Evelynn turned the page with her right hand as she flicked the dagger's jewels with her left index finger.

Evelynn looked through the trees as she turned a page. Two figures were covered by the leaves. She squinted to make out the dark figures behind the green leaves.


Azrael walked with Audria on his arm. Smiling Azazel lead her through the garden. Audria's heels tapped along the pavements, she near fell forward when Azrael remarked her heels.

"Those heels Audria can be used as a prong,"

Audria shook her head at him. "Into your eyes it seems," She pulled her dress of about to take off her heel.

"No, no" Azrael pled to chuckle at her. Azrael watched Audria's smile brighten as he guested his hands open in front of his eyes. Her bright blonde almost white ringlets fell over her face as Audria grabbed Azrael's hands and pulled them down. Jumping at him. Azrael and Audria laughed as they continued to make their way through the garden. Making their way past the silver maple.

"Evelynn!" Audria spotted the girl in the black leather suit, sitting underneath the tree. Azrael peered through the leaves and couldn't help to bare his teeth at the sight of her. Evelynn looked up from the book in her lap and nodded at him. A leaf in her mouth. She pulled the fallen leaf out of her mouth. The stem in between her lips, and waved at him. The leaf falling to the ground.

Azrael looked at her blue eyes darting around then focusing on him. Azrael suddenly felt heavy as she resorted back to her book. Looking away from him. Azrael grew insecure and tugged at his filled collar.

"I like it, leave it alone"

He looked back at Evelynn who eyes remained on the book. Her lips parting she said. "At least you dressed yourself well today,"

Azrael heard chuckled from behind. She turned to face Audria hiding her laugh from him.

"What?" Audria asked inhaling to hold her laugh.

"I'm not taking that personally by the both of you," Azrael added. "At least someone looks comfortable," Azrael glared at Evelynn.

"Yes your Highness indeed,"

Azrael swore he was going to rage at her. She hating her calling him that. Going red Azrael bit his cheek and nodded. "Very well,"


Evelynn heard their footsteps on the pavement fade as she watched them disappeared from her hazed green sight.

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