49. *Countryside*

Start from the beginning

"Oh no tesoro you people go and have fun." He said while smirking. "Since the boss is going out, someone has to stay behind and do the work." I rolled my eyes.

"Ya you're right. Now go and do some work." I said as I gestured him to leave us alone.

"Alright I'm going." He said, "See you later tesoro. Try not to miss me." And with a wink he left from there. Maya giggled at him which made my gaze to fell on her, and only then I got to fully see her. She was looking beautiful...

I didn't realise that I was actually starting at her until she cleared her throat that made me look away from her

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I didn't realise that I was actually starting at her until she cleared her throat that made me look away from her.

"Are we going now or..?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ofcourse we're going." I said as I walked a few steps towards her. I smirked inwardly when I saw her trying not to ogle at me. But she failed miserably when I caught her looking at me with appreciation in her eyes. "So, she's liking what she's seeing...hmm"

"You know you can look at me mio amore. I won't mind." I said with an arrogant smirk.

"Says the one who was just a moment ago staring at me." She mumbled lowly but I heard her nonetheless.

"What can I do? I couldn't stop myself from looking at you, you look so beautiful that I can't help but to stare." I said to which she looked at me with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"I..um..well thank you." She shyly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked away from me, still blushing. I chuckled as I shook my head, amused by her cute reaction to my compliment.

Maya's P.O.V

'Jeez! Why does my heart have to skip a beat every time he looks at me with that look!' I shook my thoughts away as I tried not to smile like a maniac because of his compliment. I couldn't help but to blush when he said that I looked beautiful.

After last night, I could feel that things had gotten changed between us. I could no longer deny this feeling that I felt every time when he was nearby. I couldn't deny the fact that I had indeed fallen for him...

'But what about him? Does he feel the same?' The thought came to my mind.

"This way." I came out of my thoughts as Massimo said that.

"Um are we not going in the car?" I asked since we walked past the car that was parked outside.

"We are." He said simply and continued walking. I shrugged it away and just followed him.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now