Chapter 28 - Feeling Better/Not Feeling Better

Start from the beginning

"Ready as I'll ever be." I say with a sigh and take a deep breathe before standing back up. Me and Sam push the curtains open and the crowd cheers louder.

We begin to start dancing and moving to the beat. I get into a handstand position and then I slowly move towards the ground. I start grinding on the ground and the crowd claps and throws money my way. Sam does the same thing and they throw money at him. I get back up and do some body rolls and roll my hips around.

"I love them!!" Some random person yells out and I sigh and start doing some dance moves.

"I wanna marry them!!" A young random girl shouted out and I sigh and roll my eyes. Never gonna happen. I thought to myself.

I walk to the front of the stage and get on my knees. I do the Harlem shake and I feel some people begin to touch and rub on my chest. I cringe as they do this. At least I'll get extra money. 

15 Minutes Later:

Me and Sam just finished our performance and we were sweating and panting. A guy brings a mic on the stage and he hands it to me.

"Thank you everyone. We will see you later." I say while panting heavily and they all clap and cheer and throw more money at me and Sam. I turn around and see Sam collecting the money we made.

"We made so much money tonight." Sam says with a smile while picking up some $20 bills.

"I know. We will have enough money to move back into the house in no time." I say with a smile as I start helping him pick up the money.

"I can't wait to go back to Lima. I hate working here." I say while rolling my eyes and I look to the left and see people eyeing me hungrily. "People look at me like I'm a piece of meat at school and here. When can I get a break?" I state annoyed at the fact people look at me hungrily like they want to eat me or something. It's annoying and creepy. I get the strip club, their full of horny people. But at school? Crazy.

"I know, but it's for mom and dad." Sam states with a small smile as he places the money he collected in an empty trash bag. That's where we put all of the money we got.

When we are about to go home, we stuff the money in a book bag. We go home and clean the money and hide it from mom and dad till the end of the week. Since they don't know we work here. At the end of the week, we show them the money.

We told them we got a job at McDonald's and Carl's Jr. as well. So they think all three jobs pay us really well. I place the money I collected in the trash bag and do a quick scan of the stage to make sure we got all the money.

When I see that there is no money left on the stage, Sam grabs the trash bag and we walk off the stage. We walk towards our dressing room and as we are about to enter it, a girl runs up to me from the side.

"Hey white chocolate, can I talk to you?" She asked me while looking at me with a soft smile and I lightly groan.

"Fine." I say kinda annoyed and Sam shrugs and walks inside our dressing room. I hear the door lock and I'm left outside in the hallway with a random girl.

She's kinda cute I guess. She has brunette hair, fawn skin, hazel eyes, deep dimples, a small button nose, plump lips and a defined chin. Still doesn't compare to Quinn's beauty though.

My Broken Rebel - Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now