[124] Young Hearts

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Logan chuckles and tries to hand Scorpia her coffee but she gets up to take the bathrobe off and pulls the button-up down as much as possible before sitting on the bed again.

Logan hands her a coffee and stares at her. "Hell, Bonnie. I should have torn those buttons of sooner."

She laughs softly before taking a sip of her coffee. Logan drinks his coffee too, looking at Leo who's proudly drinking his juice. When Logan turns his gaze to Scorpia again, he finds her sitting there with his shirt unbuttoned. She sips her coffee with an innocent expression on her face.

Logan moans, "Bonnie..."

She finishes her coffee and gets up, putting the mug down on the buffet cart before walking towards the bathroom as she lets the shirt slide down her shoulders. She enters the bathroom and opens the tap above the bath, rummaging through a bag to find Leo's bath foam. As soon as she finds it, she pours a royal amount into the water and hums.

She checks the temperature of the bathwater, walks towards the door, pushes it open, and asks: "Leo? Do you want to take a bath with mommy?"

Leo lifts his arms up and tosses the sippy cup aside. "Yes! Bath! Mommy!"

Logan laughs and shakes his head, laying Leo down on the bed to take his clothes off, carrying the little man to the bathroom as soon he's naked.

Scorpia is sitting on the edge of the bath, her fingers swirling through the water. She closes the tap, gets into the bath, and holds her hands out to Leo, who almost jumps out of Logan's arms.

"Hell, Bonnie. I know how he gets and I'm keeping a firm grip on him. But he gets way too wild when he sees you. I'm afraid he's going to fall often when he starts to walk."

Scorpia nods, "Yes, I'm glad I don't have the same effect on his daddy."

Logan shoots her a challenging look and she chuckles.

She takes Leo from Logan and sits down in the water with Leo on her lap and the little boy splashes around, his little giggles bouncing off the walls. Logan pouts, looking at Scorpia with sad eyes.

"Leo? Can daddy join us in the bath?"

Leo looks at his dad and grins. "Daddy amo. Bath. Yes."

Logan can't get his kilt off fast enough and join them in the bath. He looks at the ecstatic Leo and splashes water at him. The little boy giggles and tries to throw water at Logan too.

Scorpia gently washes Leo's hair and presses a kiss on his cheek. She holds him under his armpits and lets him 'walk' towards Logan like that. Logan takes Leo in his arms and sits him down on his leg. Scorpia slides further down into the water and closes her eyes.

Logan looks at the beautiful woman hiding under the bubbles and gets distracted. Leo plants his little feet on the bottom of the bath and pulls himself up with the help of Logan's arm.

Logan whispers: "Bonnie. Look."

Scorpia opens her eyes and looks at the focused expression on Leo's face. She smiles proudly but as soon as the little boy sees her, he falls back in Logan's lap. Leo giggles and Logan hugs him proudly. "So smart, this little cub of ours."

Scorpia nods, "Yes Leo, mommy is proud of you."

She sits up again and Leo holds his arms out to her. She takes his little hands in hers while Logan holds him under his arms. Leo tries to put his feet down again but the slippery tub is not the best place to practice walking. He stumbles into Scorpia's arms and laughs. Scorpia cuddles him and laughs along with him.

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