Chapter 35: Christine's Crisis

Start from the beginning

"He is that way sometimes. I'm glad you also  noticed."

"He is?" I'm surprised I guessed right.

"He has a way with people and at the same time, controls the situation when he feels like it."

"Come to think of it, when I escorted Lee and came back, he said you guys were about to argue, but he handled it."

The elevator soon stopped and the doors flew open. Both Yong-guk and I stepped out.

The floor looked similar to the one where the studio rooms were. But this one had a straight hall leading all the way to the end where there stood double wooden doors. I followed Yong-guk towards it.

"That's true," said Yong-guk continuing our conversation. "It's surprising how he does that."

"I'll admit, I'm curious too. I wish I had that. Sometimes it's hard to control my team, especially when they get out of control."

"If you ask me, I feel you've done quiet well with them. Yes, they may seem hard to handle, but you can tell how discipline you all seem to be."

I laughed. "You've no idea what you're talking about. When we want to create chaos, we create total pandemonium."

"Wow." He turned to look at me. "That's dangerous."

"Ya, if we aren't a handful, then I don't know what we are." I shrugged my shoulders. We were a few feet away from the door. "Collins does say we give him a hard time."

"I can imagine."

We were almost close to the door when it flew open and two young men came walking out with water bottles in their hands. When they saw Yong-guk, they stopped in their tracks and I could see in their eyes that they had just come face to face with their idol.

"Hello," Yong-guk said to them in Korean. Just saying that sent the two into some kind of frenzy.

They quickly bowed to him. Even with all the excitement, they at least managed to show their respect. I couldn't help but smile at their awkward yet humble gesture towards Yong-guk. Just by looking at them, I could tell they were young trainees.

After bowing and straightening themselves up, I noticed their eyes fly towards me since I stood right behind Yong-guk. For a moment, I thought they wouldn't recognise me. Not everyone can know you, unless you're super famous. But I was quickly mistaken. I noticed their eyes bulge out and I thought they might drop out of their sockets.

"Ahhh..., it's her," one of them with black hair said, his eyes fixed on me while absentmindley tapping his friend's shoulder with his free hand. "It's her!"

"You're Samantha Glasson - I mean you're Black Kitty, right?" the other asked, looking at me with so much admiration.

"Both are my names," I said with a smile.

"I can't believe you're really here," said the black haired trainee as he started to fan his face with his hand like he couldn't breathe. I noticed beads of precipitation appear on his forehead. "I'm your biggest fan."

"Me too, me too," the other said.

I chuckled. "That's nice to know."

"Wait until the others hear that you're here. They would freak."

"Let's not try to draw so much attention," said Yong-guk. "We don't want any commotion."

"Oh..., okay," said the red haired trainee. He didn't seem disappointed by that, though.

"By the way," said Yong-guk, "is the cafeteria full of people, right now?"

"No," the black haired trainee replied. "There aren't many people. If you're worried about other trainees, most of them left the place minutes ago."

A K-Pop Utopia (A Black Kitty Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now