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When I wake up today, I walk right out of the cell, as the door is completely open. I walk to the breakfast room, but Cindy comes across me and takes me right back to my cell. There, she asks Alice to come in and restrain me to my bed. She then spanks me several times, and leaves me alone, until eventually, she comes back to take me off my bed and give me only a single slice of bread. She then puts me inside a small carriage, and puts a blindfold on me. When she removes it, I'm in a hospital. She tells me now is the time for me to get a cure for the virus I was infected with yesterday.

She tells me the cure is injected in two parts, and the second one should be given between ten and twenty hours after the first one. In between the two injections, I can't work at all for the children. I always feel like the children might still call me for work, despite what Alice tells me. She then takes me back to my cell, and I lay down on my bed, to take a small nap. I quickly become very bored, and try to get out of the cell again. The door is open, but when I get out, Alice pushes me right back in and closes the door. I sit down on the chair and Alice only gives me glasses of water every now and then.

Alice takes me back into the same room as approximately fifteen hours later. After the cure is complete, I get out of my chair and have a look. I see Cindy typing in my ID number somewhere. I think she's telling other children to not send me out for any physically heavy work for the next five days. I'm also told the children put me on a watchlist for five days, as I might still infect other adults. Alice doesn't want that to escalate, as the adults are important workforces for the children, they need adults for some jobs.

I'm taken back to my cell. There, I have to wait for approximately half an hour, after which Alice comes in and puts me in a container. I arrive in a large cellar, which is about to be used as a garage for large trucks. I have to clean off the cellar, while other adults restore the ground and place all necessary rooms, signs, gates and other components according to a plan I'm also given. I'm a little bit relieved to finally have something to do, after hours of nothingness. I work harder than ever, and the children give me lollies and other candies as rewards.

Alice comes to take me out, into one of the office rooms. She forces me to check if all other adults do everything according to plan. The children seem like they're somewhere else, but I'm given a plan of how the room has to be made-over. I have to call in one of the children if I see an adult making a mistake, and that child will then punish the adult, which is often unbearable to watch for me and other adults. So I jut hold my hands in front of my face if I see this happen, and seek a corner far away. I know I can continue within minutes.

Alice eventually takes me back into my cell, where I also finally see Ellen again. I ask her why she was gone for so long. She tells me she had to take several boxes from the entrance of the cellar to several different places, with only a map of the cellar,and no help from any children. She also tells me the children do give nap times to all adults there, including herself. Then, Alice takes me out of the cell, into one of the classrooms. I have to attend several lessons, which seem very boring to me, but when I pass out, Ben always gives me several slaps on my face.

He then takes me to the hospital, to inspect me.Alice has to ensure I'm all right after the cure. She almost immediately starts feeling on my skin. Even though I don't feel any physical pain, I still feel like running away. Alice also puts me in an X-ray scanner, and even does a full internal inspection of my body. When I wake up, I still feel a little tingle in my body ,and a little bit of pain in my legs. I also feel like a lot of blood has taken out of my arms. About half an hour later, Alice puts my blood back in my body, and pulls me off the operating table.

She takes me back to the garage, and forces me to clean off the entire floor area. When I arrive there, I notice a lot of dust and junk in the garage, and the children force me to pick it up. In fact, Alice even controls my legs directly. I'm physically connected to a cable, and I literally can't walk anywhere, other than where the children tell me to go. I try to take back control from my brain, but that's literally impossible. I did succeed once, but the control is taken back by Alice just seconds afterwards. She then forces me closer to her, and gives me several slaps on my back. I'm then guided back into the garage. Then, I'm taken back to my cell but for some reason, Ellen is missing again. I think that is because she's taken back to her job again.

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