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Dear Diary,

When I wake up today, Billy finally wants to talk with me about his crush. He talks about how he met his crush, and why she is so in love with her. I write down the backstory:

When he was 8 year old, Izzy was her teacher at school. She's very sympathetic, friendly, and overall sweet. Then, the two met outside of school, on a playground just outside Billy's house. Billy realized he has been in love with Izzy for a very long time, and wants to keep that love! I realize that is why Billy always tries to bash my love for Izzy: he is SO happy with the crush, and he wants to keep the crush.

I'm given only a glass of water. Then, Billy takes me to another cell. Finally! And in that cell... resides Izzy! I try to approach her, but Billy then grabs me by my T-shirt. I try again, this time I succeed and give Izzy a deep hug. She then gives a peck on my cheek. Billy notices and takes a small bite out of Izzy's leg, and then mine. I experienced this before, so I know there's no choice but to leave her alone. Then, Billy forces me to take a pile of old clothes, and take them to a washing machine. Once there, I meet Cindy. I ask her about why she wants to have a single parent, and she explains in great detail how she grew up with only me as a parent, and how happy she is without her mammy. I try to get what she says, but I can't really understand her complex wording. The words she uses are uncommon for a child of her age to say. I don't even know exactly what she says.

She then takes me to a kitchen, where I'm put in front of a sink,forced to do the dishes. I try to work as hard as I can, but with my low energy levels, I can't work very hard. Cindy regularly throws her whip on the floor, supposedly as a motivation to work harder. The sounds of the whip clashing on the floor really induce a fear that I might get whipped when I don't work harder. Eventually, I really get bored, so I try to walk away. I'm again shackled to the counter-top. Right next to me is Ellen. I try to tell her about my new love, but Billy comes in and notices. He gives me a slap on the back. Then, he gives Ellen the same thing. Later that period, I notice the water tap doesn't work at all. I look under the counter top, but the main water valves are both open. Billy comes in and tells me he has turned off the water supply. I don't know why, but i think it must be for something I did. However, he tells he has to replace the tap, and I have to help him.

After that, I'm taken back to my cell. Billy comes in with a glass of water and some cooked carrots. I think these kids, and Billy specifically, have finally rewarded me for my hard work! Ellen is not as lucky. As soon as I give a carrot to her, Billy gives me a slap on my face and takes the carrot from her. I feel these kids don't even allow adults to be or even feel sympathetic to each other. I try to take the carrot out of Billy's hand, and he accepts. Ellen takes another carrot, and Billy takes it as well. Ellen tries to take the carrot, but it ends up breaking into two parts, and Billy then takes the other part as well. I'm so confused, as these kids don't allow us to share, but I think they themselves share everything with each other. I've never even seen kids starting arguments or fights against each other. It seems like for children, the only enemies are adults. I feel humiliated, and try to run away. However, the cells are made even more secure than the most secure prison I know of. The door is almost impossible to open, and there is no other way out.

Only hours later does Billy take me out of my cell. He takes me to a factory. There, I'm forced to do some work on a broken machine. This is also some very hard work, but thanks to the food, I can at least handle it. At the end though, I'm getting more and more sleepy. I try to take a nap, but Ben inserts a pin into my stomach, leaving a small wound. I then get up, and eventually, the machine is turned on and I'm forced to stay close to the machine, watching what happens. I have to check if the pieces of wood on a conveyor belt are placed perfectly straight. The machines are very noisy, and I'm only given earplugs, when headphones would be more effective. In addition, there's a consistent smell of something inside, but I don't know what it is. I'm again shacked to the machine, and right next to me is a cutting wheel, which cuts the wood exactly in half. I know that if I insert my hand there, I will end up with my hand cut open, so I'm very careful. I do get some occasional splinters, and the kids don't even think once about helping an adult.

Later, I'm taken back to my cell.There, I'm then again given a glass of water. I then try to get another one, as I'm so thirsty, but Billy refuses to let me out. Not only that, but I'm also given a slap on my back. Still, i do manage to fall asleep.

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