A young woman, not older than 20 is chasing after us. Her little legs moving fast ti try and keep up with us. The heels in her feet are not doing her any good either.

Her bright blonde hair tied back into a slick bun. The work uniform she wears sucks to her body pushing her breast up to her throat. Bright red lipstick smeared across her small lips.

"Sir! Excuse me!" She shouts again. Her legs going triple the pace. She waves her hand around when I look at her in the eyes.

Paying no mind I turn around and continue walking.

"Sir!" She screams. I wince at the loud sound.

With a loud sigh Leo turns around to face her. She speeds up to us and stops with a stomp from her heeled foot. "You need to sign out!" She screeches.

Someone pray for my ears too.

"We've never had to sign out before. So why should I now" she looks at me, her eyes widening.

"It's.. it's the new policy! Everyone must sign out before they leave" just as the words leave her lips a woman walks out of the door, not even 'signing out' like she needed to.

New policy huh?

"Oh sure of course" I give her a fake smile to play along. "Elena. We don't need to sign out, what are you doing" Leo whispers into my ear.

"Just play along" I give the woman another fake smile and we both walk up to the reception desk.

She walks behind it and grabs a clip board. She places it in front of Leo and hands him the pen. "Just sign your name and put your phone number" "riiight there" the woman drags on, pointing to a line.

I raise my eyebrow at her.

Is she serious?

"Why do you need his phone number?" Her eyes divert from undressing my husband to me. Her face is as red as a tomato by now. "For- it's so we can have you logged in" She splutters out.

Leo clicks open the pen and signs his name. Just as he starts to write on the second line his phone starts ringing.

He picks it up, discarding the pen and answers. "What?" He says into the phone and steps away.

I give a fake apologetic look to the woman and pick up the pen. "I know his number" I say to her. She nods eagerly.

I write down onto the paper..

'He's my husband you bitch'

That was mean I know, but I just don't care.

Not long after Leo walks back up and kisses my neck. "Sorry about that mi amore" (my love)

I hand the clipboard to the woman and she scans over it. Her cheeks turning crimson when she reads what I wrote.

"That means he's taken" I grab Leo's hand and we both walk out of the building.

"What did she want?" Leo asks as the car pulls up to take us home. "She wanted your number. Thank god your phone rang."

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