32. The Crazy Bunch

Start from the beginning

"OH MY GOD!" Chauntelle gasps out loud as she gets close to us and is looking at Jungkook, who's sitting right beside me with his right hand resting on my knee. Stacy is also staring at him, with her mouth wide open, in shock.

I whisper to Jungkook that I'd be back and jump out of my patio chair. I swiftly walk up to the twins and grab both of their wrists, dragging them to the kitchen.

I can hear my mom as we walk away, "Excuse Sarah's sisters! They're fans of your group. I think Sarah is just taking them to the kitchen to calm them down in the kitchen. We weren't expecting them to come by. They said they had plans but I guess their plans changed. We'll introduce you properly to them when they return."

As my twin step-sisters and I are finally in the kitchen they both turn to me, both with wide eyes.

"Sarah, is that like the most amazing look-a-like of Jeon Jungkook or what?!" Stacy questioningly squeals.

"Or what," I bluntly answer.

"Or what?! You're saying that's THE Jeon Jungkook?!" Stacy guffaws, looking like she's about to hyperventilate.

"Seriously?! Am I fucking dreaming?!" Chauntelle utters out.

"Girls, please take some deep breaths," I advise my step-siblings.

"Sarah, what the fuck! That's Jungkook! How?! I mean, I know your roommate is with Yoongi! Oh my gosh! Are you guys—"

"Yes, Stacy, we've been seeing each other. It hasn't been for long. And. I'm sorry I haven't told either of you, but Jungkook and I are trying to be under the radar. Please keep this between us. Please."

Chauntelle looks at me with understanding eyes, "Sarah, you're our big-sis. We know how the media can get, as well as antis and some toxic ARMY. Of course we'll keep it to ourselves. We want you to be safe!"

"Totally, plus, Dad will gut us like fish if we say anything and it somehow gets spread to others and to the media. If you get trashed online because of our doing, it's on us. We wouldn't want that for you, so your secret is safe with us," Stacy adds on.

"I appreciate you ladies for understanding," I smile at them, thankful that they understand the gravity of the situation and what it would mean to be caught being involved with an idol. My sisters are a crazy duo but I adore them, and they have my back just as I have theirs. But, they can be gossipy...so I'm really hoping for the best here.

"Now...are you going to introduce us to your man or what?!" Chauntelle winks at me. The three of us giggle and make our way back into the backyard patio.

The rest of the afternoon and late evening consisted of barbecuing for dinner, sharing stories and laughter and the twins shamelessly asking Jungkook about their biases, Stacy's being Jin and Chauntelle's being Jimin. I kept rolling my eyes but I can't blame them and it was quite entertaining, even Jungkook seemed to get a kick out of sharing funny stories about them, which he made them swear to keep to themselves.

Greg had a lot of one-on-one time with Jungkook, between grilling meat together and playing horseshoes around the backyard. During that time they were bonding while playing horse shoes, the twins had already left. I was able to to have some chat time with my mother.

"Sarah, you look so happy," my mom simply states while smiling brightly at me.

"Honestly, Mom? I am. It's been amazing the past few months, even though it's long distance. And, having him here in LA for a bit has been a dream." I genuinely gush to my mom.

"He also looks enamored by you every time he looks your way, honey. And, to be honest, with the exception of your high school boyfriend, every man you've brought here has rubbed me the wrong way. I haven't known Jungkook long, but I have a good feeling about him." My mom looks at me with a knowing look.

"Oh, Mom- you and your feelings. All I know, is at the current moment, I'm really happy. And, I just want to focus on the here and now."

"Fair enough. But, just saying, Mom approves!" My mom winks at me and I lightly giggle.

"You approved even back when you just spoke to him through video-chat!"

"Trust your mom's intuition, okay!" My mom teasingly tells me.

I hope she's right.


If you've been enjoying the fluff chapters, it won't last long. 😒

*Sarah's step-dad is definitely modeled by one of my best friends' dads.

🎵Song to check out: "You Make Me Feel" by Cobra Starship ft. Sabi

Thank you for reading! XOXO✨

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