"Because you have!" Jimin argues.

"This is so crazy," Jungkook shook his head. "You seriously thought I was going to propose?"

"Yes!" Jimin huffed out a laugh. "You thought I was?"


"...Would you...would you have said yes?" Jimin looks at him.

"Would you have?" Jungkook counters, kind of scared.

"Y-yeah," Jimin nodded. "Ever since I started thinking you were gonna ask me, I knew I'd say yes."

"Me too," Jungkook huffs out a breath of relief. "I would too."

"So...you wanna just get married?"

"Really?" Jungkook's eyes brighten.

"Well we both want to," Jimin's smile is shy. "So do you want to?"

"Yes," Jungkook breaks into a huge smile. "Yes!"

"Oh my God are we engaged?" Jimin stands up.

"I think we are!" Jungkook stands as well, embracing his now fiancé. They share a kiss, a sweet kiss, so incredibly happy.

"Oh," The waiter, who brought out the bill, approached them. "Did something happen?"

"We just got engaged," Jungkook explained. "Today's our anniversary."

"Oh congratulations!" The waiter puts the bill on the table. "For occasions like this we give out complementary desserts. While you get everything ready to pay, I'll go get it."

"Thank you," Jimin's voice is slightly breathy. They sit down as the waiter walks away. He looks at Jungkook. "Oh my God we're getting married! I mean I thought we'd be coming out of here engaged anyways, but I didn't expect this!"

"Me neither," Jungkook giggles. "I love you, and I can't wait to marry you."

Jimin' smile is so wide he could barely see. "I can't wait either." 

A/N: Does this story seem familiar in any way??

Because this tweet went viral;

Yeah so it was based off of this

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Yeah so it was based off of this. 

What should I even say? Like Girlie I didn't come prepared, I just know it's been too long so I made the tough decision of uploading unprepared.

That's the stress of being famous I get~


It's raining lots, I like this type of rain, where it's pouring but not so much it's scary. No thunder, no lightning, no rain so hard it feels like it'll shatter windows, just heavy rain. Rain is comforting and beautiful and I love it. I'm so glad South Korea is a rainy country, It'll be nice when I move there ^^

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