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Weddings, a time for family to come closer, memories to be made, and when emotions stir on high. Our family events weren't anything if not that and 100x more. The wedding was a bloodcurdling event. Everyone was on edge, even the help.

What made things worse is that we hadn't been allowed to talk in the last few days. It was almost like my father and aunt Emilia were purposefully keeping us apart. It was probably because when we were together we managed to always escape our detail and do things we shouldn't. And if ever the desire to just make a run for it hit us...well...now would be it.

My heart constricted in my chest, just thinking about my cousin's fate. What one day would be my own fate. She was about to lose everyone she held dear. She was moving away to Chicago with a man she had never even met. At least I had met Anthony, but Sophia had never even met Semion.

This was definitely 100x worse.

I drifted my attention towards Eliza as she applied a light shade of lip-gloss. She looked beyond her actual age today, beautiful, her dress a light shade of puce pink and her hair was the most elegant up-do I'd ever seen her wear. Mother was allowing her to wear make-up for the wedding.

Eliza and I were wearing identical dresses since we were the two bridesmaids. Eliza seemed so happy to be playing the role of bridesmaid, even knowing the wedding was a circus act. She was so ignorant. Something I envied, because ignorance was bliss.

Eliza was just so excited to see Sophia walk down the aisle in her white dress. She gushed about meeting Semion and asked if I knew how good-looking he was. It was ridiculous and a couple of times I wanted to snap at her and just tell her to shut up and grow up. But I didn't, because it wasn't her fault, and at least someone should enjoy today. It was a wedding, after all.

"We need to go downstairs. Emilia requested we join them immediately," My mother said, business tone ready, as she entered my bedroom.

"Mother! Have you seen her?!" Eliza swooned with excitement. "How beautiful is her dress?" She clasped her hands together over her chest with a dreamlike expression.

We hadn't spoken to Sophia in the last few days and ultimately it had been our aunt Emilia, according to my mother, who had chosen the dress, and then hired someone to take care of all the decorations and final preparations.

"Why do you care about the dress when she doesn't even want to wear it? She doesn't want this wedding...and we'll likely never see her again." I said darkly as I put down the book I was pretending to read. I looked up to meet my mother's eyes and found no comfort in them. She wasn't here to make it easier for us, she was here to make it easier for her, to please my father.

My sister stilled. "Why can't we see her anymore?" Her eyes furrowed with worry.

"Because she'll be living in Chicago, dumbass. With a different Familia, and you know how much trust there is between the Familia's? None." My eyes never left my mother's and I saw only a small flicker of what could have been despair reflected there.

"...But... I don't understand...we are her family. We could visit her!" Sophia insisted.

In my life, I didn't count myself very lucky, what with all the shit that's been transpiring since I turned 14. But there was one area of my life in which I could state that luck had struck me...Even though Anthony was a total asshole, he was a complete media whore. Which gave me more information about him then he knew. It was obvious he followed his dick around like most men did. I knew he was a family man. I had an idea of how he treated his women, just by what I saw on the media. Even if it wasn't 100 percent accurate, he was there, for me to read about, to try to understand.

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