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“You leave in a week,” Armando said, looking between Sophia and me, chewing his food as we all sat around the kitchen table. “Father wants the two of you back immediately.” He was still mad, hadn’t yet forgiven us for breaching his trust. Twice we’d done it to him now and it was obvious it hit his pride.

I scoffed, “I’m surprised you’re not putting us on a plane ASAP.” Though I suppose my blessings should be counted. I did miss my sister Eliza terribly and getting as far away as possible from Anthony couldn’t be anything but healthy for my sanity. Not to mention Armando was getting on my last nerves. It was odd that for the first time, I was actually wishing for some distance between us.

Sophia looked at my brother, just as annoyed as I. “Do you plan on forgiving us before we leave?”  She also wasn’t taking well to his new attitude towards us. Armando had been giving her his cold shoulder too and right now that’s the last thing she needed.

He wanted us to care about business and money and his damn drug empire…he couldn’t see it from our point of view. He couldn’t see how the mob was taking away a part of our lives that we’d never get back. Sophia was going through the worst type of nightmare and all he cared about was our good behavior, about how we shouldn’t question his authority, about how freedom of thoughts didn’t actually mean freedom to choose.  At least not for us women— not in this world.

Not in the Mafia.

Armando had barely spoken a word to us since Anthony had brought us to the hotel. It’d been two days and he made sure we knew his distaste of our actions— how intolerable they were. It was all Annalise could do to convince him to actually sit down and eat with us today.

“Do you even realize the magnitude of problems you two caused? Do you even care? Months of bribery and hard work of trying to keep certain information out of Romero’s hands…shot to hell because you two wanted to go dancing.” A noticeable vein popped out from stress in my brother’s forehead. His prediction was probably that we’d somehow fuck up his plans for world domination.

“This is their city. They would have found out about the hotel eventually,” I said truthfully. “Did you honestly think the Romero’s dense enough to not already know? They have their own spies, brother.” My suspicions were only that….Though at the look my brother shot me, regret filled me for voicing them out loud.  Sometimes it was best to let him unleash his full wrath and get it out of his system. It seemed that now was probably one of those times.

“Eat your food. You’ve barely even touched it. You best adopt a healthy eating habit because father still plans to send you to a recovery clinic if you don’t pack on some fat.” These days he wasn’t very forgiving.

“Armando….We’re sorry.” Sophia stressed the apology.  “If you want us to leave we could go sooner than next week,” The tension quickly mounted. “You don’t have to be a jackass.”       

“Nonsense,” Annalise finally spoke, ever the peacemaker. “You are family and family is important,” She said gently, her eyes glued on my brother, bringing his thoughts back to the surface from whatever deep pits he’d been dragged down to. The Familia did that to men. Where they had once been good and kind, it turned them vicious, uncaring, and unforgiving.

My brother looked like he’d rather eat raw fish in that moment than be civil. “You two are a real piece of work.” He stood up abruptly, throwing down his fork with a loud clank. “You think you can get away with anything because of who you are. But your actions have consequences. One day the two of you will be away from family. You will have strange men dictate your life because of the unfortunate reality of what family you were both born into. Take this as a sour warning, the both of you…. Learn your place. These other men won’t be so quick to forgive your mistakes.” He stalked away from the table, not bothering to look back.

That Ostentatious prick.

Annalise looked caught between following him and staying behind with us. But after moments of consideration she slowly stood. “I should go talk to him,” She said hesitantly.

Sophia and I both nodded, watching as she retreated through the hallway and into their bedroom, hoping she’d rain there the rest of the night.

“He’s really pissed,” Sophia groaned, shaking her head.

“He’ll get over it. Plus, he had some of it coming.” I smirked, insensibly. Why should I feel bad for having a little bit of fun? After what Viktor and Armando planned to do to with Sophia (And me), they were lucky we weren’t runaways. Armando could go shove it. He was the one walking around with the penis between his legs. He didn’t know what it felt like to walk in our shoes. He had practically everything he ever wanted handed on a silver platter.

Today, he wouldn’t get the pleasure of seeing my guilt.

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