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My first date with Anthony was now in the past. Life returned to normal— whatever you could call normal around here. My mother, Sophia, and Eliza had drilled me of every single detail and it had felt good to talk about it. But certain things I kept to myself, I never told them how Anthony had held my hand or how he had kissed my forehead. And I Especially didn’t share the complications of my feelings towards the man. Anthony had disappeared red back to Los Angeles and I hadn’t heard from him since.

It was 3 months after the famous date that things began to get interesting in my life again. Christmas was right around the corner and it was the only time of the year when shopping was a favorite pastime of mine. I had purchased almost everyone’s present already, except for Alex. His was still the bane of my existence.

He was the hardest to shop for because my feelings for him were a complete mess. The moments at school where he’d walk me to my locker and I’d get to share lunch with him were so causal and stress-free that in the past I thought that’s all I wanted. He’d hold my hand and I’d get giddy and excited at the attention he paid me. But that was no longer the case. In fact, I had managed to practically alienate Alex from my life.

Dreadfully, I had to accept that regardless of my inability to actually pinpoint what it was— I had feelings for Anthony. It was definitely more than just hatred and resentment. And so, as a result, every time Alex would try and get close, I’d be a total bitch and push him away. It just felt so wrong to kiss him and think about someone else. Yet I didn’t have the heart to be honest with him.

My relationship with Alex the last few months was so complicated. After Anthony had left, I had slowly begun ignoring his calls and not replying to his messages. Avoiding him during lunch hour at school was easy because I’d disappear into the library instead. I’d hurry out of the classes we shared before he could catch up and avoided the hallways when I knew he’d be around.

It wasn’t that he had done something wrong. Not at all, he had been the best friend anyone could ask for when I had needed him the most. But I was racked in by the guilt. Whatever I felt for Anthony hadn’t erased my feelings for Alex yet it that much more fucking difficult.  So I had chosen to give myself some space to try and work through my issues: my conclusion? I needed to just break away from Alex, once and for all. But first, I had to apologize with the best possible Christmas gift possible.

I had to grow up and stop blowing off my best friend. If there was ever a time to show maturity then it was now. No better time like the present, right? There was major explaining and apologizing to be done on my part, but choosing to no longer run away from it, I figured that getting him a Christmas gift was a good start. Eventually, whether we want it or not, our ties would break regardless and it was probably best to do it before things got even messier. The best I could hope for was convincing Alex that we could still be friends.

That is how I found myself at the mall walking into GameStop with Eliza.  She was a bit confused why we were even in this store, but ultimately she was happy because she’d spent a hefty amount of my father’s money in the hour we’d already been shopping.

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