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After a few minutes collecting myself in the office, I ended up in the kitchen with the maids. I couldn’t force myself to go back to the guests. I could hear the laughter was louder now; they were all probably starting to feel the effect of alcohol. At the risk of pissing my father off, I couldn’t go back to see their expecting faces. They would shower me with congratulations on my engagement. Yet I knew silently they would all be feeling sorry for me.

“Ms. Isabella are you okay?” Dorota’s voice cut my thoughts as her hand rubbed my back.  Dorota had been with our family since my brother was a boy; she helped raise me and all of my siblings.

I looked into her face and I began sobbing. I didn’t care that I would ruin my makeup or that a guest could hear and come to see what the fuss was about. I felt like there was a weight in my chest, like cement, so strong that I’d never be set free. My life had been pre-determined and I had absolutely no say in it. I was destined to marry a killer who was just as bad, if not worse, than my own father.

Anthony seemed to dislike me almost as much as I disliked him. It didn’t matter that I didn’t know him personally, I knew of him, and I knew he was a bad man.

“Oh my dear girl,” Dorota’s voice was gentle as always, her hands came around me and she brought me into the tightest hug that I’d had in such a long time. I gripped on for dear life. I buried my face into her chest as she whispered words of comfort into the side of my head.

“It will be okay Ms. Isabella, you still have 5 years of your life before you seal the deal.” Trying to soothe me, petting my hair, my back, saying promises I knew were really never ever going to actually happen.

After what seemed like more than just a few minutes Dorota finally pushed me away from her. “Ms. Isabella you have to calm yourself… no one can see you crying today. Your father will be very upset.”

I knew she was right. In fact, I knew they expected me back with the guests sooner rather than later.

“Just breathe. Today is just a party and you my dear, have gone to many. If you can survive the rest of the night, you’ll have all day tomorrow to cry.”

I nodded and she handed me some tissue. After a few minutes of collecting myself she nodded towards the door, “Go on, you can do it.”

Meekly, I walked into the living room where I recognized only some of the faces.

“Isabella is it true, are you going to marry that awful man?” My sister Eliza came to me, hugging me to her chest. I almost wanted to sob again. But now I was surrounded by my father’s guests and I knew he’d kill me if I embarrassed him or the Romero’s family.

I reminded myself that I had to be strong.

“We’ll talk later,” I whispered the promise into her ear.

“Are you okay?” My brother Armando said as he walked up to us with a look of concern.

“As good as I can be,” I tried to sound strong, but his eyes told me he knew how I really felt.

“You can leave after father announces it,” Armando assured me.

As if on cue, a clinking sounded in the room, “Ladies and gentleman. I’d like to thank you all for joining my family and I in our humble home on this evening,” my father’s voice resonated throughout the room.

I looked up at him and to right side stood my mother. I tried to meet her eyes but she seemed pre-occupied smiling at everyone else. Roman and Anthony appeared to my father’s left, both barely smiling.

“As you all may have heard the rumors, the feud between New York and Los Angeles has come to an end. We are a family that’s had our fair share of disputes in the past,” My father said it as though blood hadn’t been shed. Most of the Los-Angeles men, including Anthony and Adonis had scowls on their faces.

“However, looking forward, we have both decided to put the past behind us and joining our forces we will destroy all those who have opposed us.” He paused, probably to let it all sink in— for effect. “To make our family line stronger, Anthony Romero has proposed to my beautiful daughter Isabella.”

In that moment all eyes were on me.

“This will not only bring us closer, but it will secure a peace treaty between both the Familias!”

I felt rigid, like I couldn’t possibly move.  My eyes met Anthony’s again; I don’t know what I was searching for, but like before he betrayed no emotions.

“As of today, Anthony and Isabella are engaged and when my daughter turns 19 years old, they will wed.” At those words the room sounded in a round of well-versed cheering, laughter and clapping. They were all acting like it wasn’t the most unjust thing in the world. Like my father wasn’t giving me away to a killer.

Like my life wasn’t over.

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