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Isabella.” He already sounded pissed. Wait. How did he know it was me? I had never called him before.

“Anthony,” I replied. Trying to keep it cool and collected, for the sake of appearance.

“Did your father give you my number?” He questioned obvious disapproval in his tone.

“I snuck into his office and took it without him knowing.” I didn’t want to lie any more than absolutely necessary because he was the type of guy who didn’t forgive easily. Maybe he’d be easier to deal with if he knew I wasn’t trying to keep things from him.

“Didn’t I warn you to stay out of trouble?”

“This is important, otherwise I wouldn’t be calling,” I assured him.

He made an annoyed noise before speaking up. “Let me guess, this has to do with your boyfriend.” His tone dropped about two octaves and immediately my body chilled with goosebumps. He didn’t like Alex, and never bothered hiding it.

“Yes…What did Marcello say or do to him?” I tried to sound impassive.

Anthony wasn’t easily fooled though. “That’s not your business. You are making it very easy for me to consider putting a hit on him.” That wasn’t a joke.

“You wouldn’t,” I whispered.

“You don’t know me very well, princess.”


He was right— two days— that’s all the time I had spent getting to know him. It wasn’t nearly enough to draw real conclusions or get to know someone and make real assumptions. He was only what I imagined him to be and when had that ever been short of a killer?

“He’s fifteen and he’s my friend.” Maybe if I reasoned with him, he would see how stupid all of this was.

“Yes, I’m aware of his age, it is the only reason he’s still alive. But he is more than just your friend, Isabella. Don’t think you can fool me,” his tone was icy and cold.

I scoffed, “Well I supposed I should be thankful that you have reservations on killing children who are still underage.”

Silence again.

But this time it was thick and heavy with the weight of his anger. He wasn’t playing around and all I was doing was provoking him. I didn’t really know why. I should be thankful that he hadn’t killed Alex yet.

“I can’t be responsible for someone’s death, Anthony,” I confessed after the silence was too much to bear. “It would haunt me till my death.”

“Then stay away from him. It’s that simple.”

This was not going according to plan. “I want to know what Marcello did to him. He’s been avoiding me at school all week, too afraid to even look at me.”

“I don’t care what you want to know, I’m not in the habit of taking orders from 15 year old girls.” He hissed. I’d never heard him like this before, even our fight during our date hadn’t been laced with this much anger on his part. It barricaded me.

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