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It was Valentine’s Day today; my birthday party had been 5 months ago in September. The following months had passed by incredibly fast.  No word had come to me about my fiancée since the celebration of our engagement. That wasn’t a bad thing though, he scared me. His whole family did.

A couple of times I had tried in vain to convince my father this was a bad idea, but he barely spoke to me or gave me any reply— he didn’t think he owed me any reason or explanation and it made me furious. Raising the topic with my mother was no better; she simply told me to think of the Familia; she said it was my duty as a member and I had to play my part just like they all did.

It was a lost cause. Still, thoughts of escaped often crossed my mind. What had the Familia ever done for me? This life didn’t appeal to me at all. Honestly, nothing was more appealing to me than abandoning traditions and legacy and cutting off all tides with the Familia. It would be considered treason and betrayal but often it was tempting.

My father raised no fool. I knew leaving was not an option…but that didn’t stop me from daydreaming.

My every single destination was followed, everything I did was supervised, and everyone whom graced me with conversation was pre-approved.  As a fourteen year old, even if the possibility of escape existed, how could survival be achieved?  How would that even work? What would I do for clothes, food, and shelter? Somehow, I didn’t think my father would allow me to keep his credit-card.

If I were to run, the most probable and eventual outcome would be death. If living on my own out on the streets didn’t kill me, then my father would. Even being a mob princess would not save me from his wrath. No one ever escaped the Familia. If you betrayed your people, you died. It was as simple as that.

“We’re home Ms. Isabella,” Allesandro said in his monotone voice.

I grabbed my bag and stepped out of the limo. Walking towards the front steps of my father’s estate, my eyes caught sight of my brothers gray Porsche in the driveway and I allowed myself a bit of happiness. Even if his wife could be annoying, he was still my brother and my love for him would never cease.

The first person visible was Annalise, she was sitting comfortably in the living room with Sophia having a hushed toned conversation. They both seemed to notice me at the same time and immediately greeted me with warm smiles.

I didn’t smile back.

“Where’s Armando?”

“He’s in your father’s office. They are discussing business, as usual.”

She meant mob business of course, the kind that I never cared to know about.

“Guess what Isabella,” Sophia started, her voice laced with pure excitement.

“What?” I arched an eyebrow.

“A packaged arrived for you today… I’ve been dying for you get home so you can open it.” She beamed.

She had such beautiful features and wore a genuine smile that spilled into the center of her hazel eyes. How the hell did she do that? How could she manage to never have a fucking care in the goddamned world? Despite myself, my lips twitched upwards into a grin—her attitude was always positively infectious.

“That’s weird Sophie I didn’t order anything.”

“Oh we know….”Annalise said, practically jumping up and down in her seat.

Now my curiosity peaked. “Okay….”

They nodded towards the center table and I turned to follow their gaze. What kind of package could it be that had them almost giggling like school girls my age?  I saw the package and reached over to pick it up. It was a simple medium sized brown box. But what caught my attention was the sender: Anthony Romero.

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