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The inner turmoil tore at my insides. The battle within me that on most days I somehow managed to survive was tipping the boiling point and melting my well placed barriers. How could he have this effect on me simply by being in the same room?

He hadn’t even spoken yet. But it was the anticipation of hearing him live, here, now. Not on the phone. Not on Youtube or some interview he’d done on Ellen.

He was here, right now, here…. for me.

Yes I saw a ton of pictures of him online almost daily. Hell, I’d seen him before in person. I’d felt him before when he had held my hand and hugged me goodbye. I knew what he looked like. How could I ever possibly forget?

But maybe it was my teenage hormones, maybe it was because I was growing up, or maybe because my needs were different now— but right now, the sight of him was exhilarating. 

Anthony was just oozing of sex appeal.

He was wearing a custom-tailored 3 piece suit again. He had grown out his hair; it was down to his collar making him look even more dangerous. He swiftly combed it all back with a bit of gel. His beard was still there, but it was a bit cleaner than I remembered, more tame, more business-like. His hair was just as pitch black as ever. Almost as black as crows… or maybe even as black as his heart.

What I couldn’t stop staring at were the tattoos that had drawn me in the first time I met him.

Anthony’s blue eyes were darkened by the same cold power that had haunted my dreams. He didn’t look in my direction and this felt like such a dejavu.  Except for the kin from both sides who were missing, it almost might have been the same.

There was the same amount of tension from the men as they stood there, though that was inevitable. That would probably never fade, no matter how much time passed.  However this time I was sure that no blood would be shed. My father and Anthony were on speaking terms now, even held business meetings together.

They were business partners...because of me.

“It’s good to see you,” My father greeted curtly.

Anthony did the same and nodded. He scanned my father’s men briefly before finally taking me in. Those blue eyes skimmed hotly through my physique and I saw a flash of hot anger. Almost as quickly as I saw it, he masked it.

“Good to see you, Viktor. I’m glad we were able to come to an agreement and am looking forward to our meeting tomorrow,” Anthony said smoothly. His gaze was calculating, summing up my father into his even cunning stare.

“Yes, I’m very pleased as well. Tomorrow should turn out well for the both of us.” My father moved to the side and waved his hand towards me. “She is ready to go.”

I swallowed. “Yes,” I confirmed. Then I followed my fiancée to his car, which happened to be a white Lamborghini Aventador this year.

“Wow, nice car.” It was a typical girl thing to do, be impressed by the car, but it was pretty. I couldn’t deny how pretty it was. Sometimes I even wished I was allowed to drive.

“Thanks,” he said and opened the door for me to get in. He slid into the driver’s side and we made our way to a restaurant that I’d never been to before. We were seated quickly and efficiently. The whole ride had been awkward, he hadn’t uttered a word. And now he just looked at me like he couldn’t wait to get away. 

What was the big deal? It wasn’t like we didn’t have bickering down to a science. Somehow I had thought we were passed the awkward phase, but guess I was wrong.

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